Saturday, July 21, 2012

July Newsletter RHC

Reiki Healing Center   July 2012
(Reiki, Nutrition, Kryia Yoga, Magnified Healing®, Karuna Reiki®, & Multi-dimensional Healing Classes at end). 
 JULY VETERANS SPECIAL CLINIC    Free 20 minutes Reiki or 30% off Reiki sessions and/or classes  Call Myra 610-348-5698 or e-mail
HEALERS RETREAT  Sunday July 22st  1-5pm                                                Any healing modality Massage Therapist, Body Worker, Acupuncturist, etc and all levels Reiki . Please note shorter hours for July. Come out and trade sessions. Donation. Please RSVP  Khadijah "Rene"  215-910-8902

August 2nd Saturday  August 11th 6-9pm

August 14 and 15 Usui, Founder of Reiki Birthday Party -  Free, donation, or fee events during this community event open to all.  

 Magnified Healing(R) Celebration Ceremony October 28th in Bucks County, PA 

Monday July 23rd  1-3pm Reiki Clinic at Senior Center . Reiki mini-sessions on 4th Mondays monthly at Surrey SERVICES FOR SENIORS for people 55 and older and those who bring them - at the Hometown Senior Center at the Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson St., Media, PA 19063. Call for appt. 610-348-5698.
Saturday, August 4th  Reiki Share at Reiki Healing Center with  Beth Holcombe  10am-1pm $5-20 donation. Call Myra 610-348-5698 or email
Saturdays in July - 2 pm - 6 pm  by appointment  Acupuncture Clinic &/or Reiki Sessions
Eloise Prescott - Licensed Acupuncturist and Reiki Master Practitioner.  Sliding scale fee of $30-45 for acupuncture mini-session by appointment during clinic hours.  (Full initial private session is $100 for 2 hours and $75 for subsequent 1 hour sessions.)    267-240-5109 or for an appt.
 Sundays in July  by appointment  Khadijah Rene on Sunday only  $40.00 for 1/2 hr. longer sessions available. Call 215-910-8902.
Tuesday/Thursdays   Clinics and Sessions with Dorothy Pywell, M.A., R.D., L.D.N. 610-322-1942 - 
First Thursday  Reiki Share  Linda Waters at Eviama Life Spa, Phila. PA. 5-7pm $5-20.
 Thursdays 2-7pm by appointment  Reiki Sliding Scale Clinic   Reiki Master Practitioner Joan Nikelsky offers full one-hour Usui Reiki sessions weekly by appointment for a sliding scale fee of $45-75 (based on personal income).  Call Joan at 215-498-5346 or e-mail
Thursday August 9th      noon to 2pm Reiki Share fee $5-20 fee with Joan Nikelsky,  Reiki Master Practitioner, RSVP to Joan 215-498-5346 or
Tuesday August  21st :30-8pm Reiki Share for Reiki practitioners for $5-20 fee, with Beth Holcombe, Karuna Reiki ® Practitioner and Advanced Practice Reiki Practitioner.  Call Beth at 610-745-9098 or e-mail

Nutrition Classes with Dorothy Pywell Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm  Diabetes Classes $270 per 3 class session with Dorothy Pywell, M.A., R.D., L.D.N. Covers healthy eating, monitoring, problem solving, and healthy coping. Diabetes Classes  6:30 -8:30 Pre Registration required. 610-322-1942 -
KRIYA HATHA YOGA Class with Frank Lock. Mondays July 23, 30 7-8:30pm Reduced fee for series of 8 classes. $15 per single class. (scholarships available). Space limited to 7 students.  Go to for more info.  610-348-5698 to RSVP
Ethics Classes taught by Myra Reichel  and/or Janine Davis                by appointment 4 hours/CEU credits $90   2 hours 2CEU $50. All classes focusing on the NCBMTB Code of Ethics, an overview of ethics terminology, and what Myra calls the somatic practitioners fire drill. These classes are based on practical information from years of practice and the book  The Ethics of Touch written  by Ben E. Benjamin, Ph. D., and Cherie Sohnen-Moe, one copy is required for these ethics courses and recommended for all practitioners working with clients.  Ethics 101 – Transference and Counter-transference; Ethics 102 –Establishing, Maintaining, and Changing Boundaries; Ethics 103 – Communication. Ethics 104 – Managing Dual Relationships.  Ethics 105 – Intimacy, Sexuality, and Touch.  Many of these and other more business related topics are covered in Myra Reichel’s 12 hour Holistic Practitioner class.
CLASSES WITH Beth Holcombe                                                     By appointment Master Teacher Magnified Healing®  Phase I  and Celebration classes $375 and Magnified Healing ® 3rd Phase.  Beth Holcombe is available evenings 5:30-8:30 and weekends. Contact Beth or 610-745-9098. 
By appointment Master Teacher Multidimensional Healing classes $350, with Beth Holcombe.  Beth is available evenings 5:30-8:30 and weekends. Contact Beth or  610-745-9098.
Classes with Myra Reichel 610-348-5698 Continuing Education Credits for Body Workers and Massage Therapists offered through NCBMTB.    Any class can be taken times listed below  or by appointment either on weekends or during the week.
Reiki I Shoden – 12 hours classes, Certificate learn to do Reiki for self and others. $400 for one student  or  $600 for 2 students or family signing up together.       By appointment.                                 
Reiki II Okuden – 12 hours classes, pre-requisite Reiki I.  Learn 3 Reiki Symbols and their Mantras and Jumon. Learn Distance Reiki and receive Certificate. $500 for one student or  $800 for 2 students signing up together for class.  Thursdays July 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th  5-8pm or by appointment.
Advanced Practice - 12 hours classes - pre-requisite Reiki II or Okuden.  Learn Master Symbol $600 for one student.  July 27th, 9am-1pm and  July 28th , and August 4th or 11th to be determined by vacation schedules 10am-2pm 
Reiki Master Shinpiden  in International House of Reiki Lineage – In 24 hours of classes review Reiki level I and II, learn Usui Master Symbol along with Mantras and Jumon, and how to perform Reiju and Attunements. In addition, student teach during 12 hour Level I and 12 hour Reiki II, lead 2 hour Reiki Share, participate in 2 events, give Intro to Reiki talk, do session paperwork for 12 clients,  receive Master Certificate. Prerequisite Reiki II or Okuden $1400, Prerequisite Usui Master symbol $1000. July 5th and  July 10th, OR 2 OTHER DATES then continuing  August  9th, August 14th, and August 16th  3:30-7:30pm and another date to be determined by vacation schedules  OR other dates/times by appointment.
Karuna Reiki (R) Pre-requisite Usui Master Symbol for 1 year or less if professional practitioner. Level 1 6 hours $350, Level 2 6 hours $300, and Master 6+ hours $300 by appointment.                                                                                                                            
Magnified Healing (R)  Phase 1 Master Teacher of Magnified Healing® 10+ hours over 2 days $265, Celebration Ceremony ® Workshop  4+hours plus 3 hours participation in Ceremony , Phase 3 Light Worker 10+ hours $265 by appointment.
Reiki Healing Center Practitioners
 Myra Reichel or Reiki Healing Center:  or call 610-348-5698.
Beth Holcombe: or 610-349-5698.
Joan Nikelsky : Call Joan at 215-498-5346 or e-mail
Khadijah  “Rene”:  Call 215-910-8902.
Dorothy Pywell: 610-322-1942 -
Wendell Hobbs: 610-324-7586 –
Eloise Prescott:  267-240-5109 or .
 Reiki Healing Center Mission Statement
The Reiki Healing Center was founded in September of 2006 by Myra Reichel, Karuna Reiki ® & Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Master Teacher of Magnified Healing ®, to serve as a place for adults and children to learn about the power of Reiki (spiritually guided life force energy) for healing and relaxation of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Clients can receive or as students they can learn how to transmit Reiki Universal Healing Energy for their own healing, as well to heal other people, animals, plants, and the world itself. 610-348-5698  or The Center is a place where those in need of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual relief from dis-ease can start their path to wellness, abundance, and prosperity.
 Give us your e-mail address or sign up for our newsletter and Google blog at or see updates We are on MySpace, ByRegion,, Wisdom Magazine on-line, and Community Listings.  Become a friend on Facebook at  Become a fan of Reiki Healing Center at our Facebook page: Please rate me on this page and then explore the multitude of modalities and practitioners at this new site to help find holistic help for various conditions.
  OPT-OUT:  Let us know whether or not you wish to be on our mailing list, but please be patient since we will be doing it manually and it is difficult to locate a particular e-mail in the list.

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