Sunday, December 4, 2011

Magnified Healing (R) at rhc RHC OR YOUR LOCATION

What is Magnified Healing®?  This modality was transmitted by Lady Master Kwan Yin to co-founders Kathryn Anderson and Gisele King. The First Phase is a spoken moving meditation. The Third Phase works with all the systems of the body. The Celebration Ceremony includes meditations and healings for the participants, distant healing for loved ones, and the earth. Class in Media or your location by appt.

2nd Tuesdays 6-8pm NEW Magnified Healing ® Trade Times $10-20 love offering for use of space
Please RSVP 24  610-348-5698 and bring Magnified Healing ® Certificate  Myra Reichel – 6-8pm

2 days By appointment Magnified Healing® Phase 1 Workshops
Magnified Healing® Phase I  $265 at RHC.  (Audit fee for Phase 1 practitioners $25). You can teach class t to others after 11 days of self-practice.    Myra . 610-348-5698.

2 days by appointment Magnified Healing ® Celebration Ceremony Workshop $111.   You must take class and participate in a Celebration Ceremony to receive your certificate.  Myra 610-348-5698

2 days by appointment Magnified Healing ® 3rd Phase 'Light Healing' Practitioner $265. (Audit fee for other Phase 3 practitioners $50). Prerequisite: Phase 1  min. 4 mo.  before  Phase 3 ,  11 continuous daily self-practice of Phase 1 before Phase 3 Workshop,  and Phase 1 Cert. sent to MH in Florida. 

By appointment Master Teacher Magnified Healing Phase I , Celebration® classes $375 and Magnified Healing ®3rd Phase.  Beth Holcombe is available evenings 5:30-8:30 and weekends. Contact Beth or 610-349-5698.

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