Media Second Saturday at the Reiki Healing Center
July 11th Bastille Day Celebration (mediaartscouncil.org)
Come by for a FREE mini-session 6-9 pm
August 8th & September 12th
FREE Intro to Reiki: Relaxation and Healing 7pm
FREE mini-Reiki sessions 7:30-9pm
AURASTAR: pictures of your aura, healing and personal makeover plan (fee)
During Media’s 2nd Saturday, there are free art shows and music performances throughout the town; businesses, restaurants, etc. are open including the Lapidary Society at 105 Jasper Street around the corner from the Reiki Healing Center (RHC), so you can see their work and learn about their classes, including the Chakra Stone Class to be held at the RHC on Sept. 26, 2009
Tuesday July 28th 1-3pm
Riddle Memorial Hospital Health Care Center 1 Conference Room
Myra Reichel and Cathy Swanson, Reiki Masters, will do a free talk on “Keeping Well in Mind and Body”
for the Cancer Support Group, which is open to patients with all types of cancer. They will present how Reiki supports our mind, emotions, body, and spirit to promote relaxation and healing and help us reduce stress and relieve tension on our paths to wellness. Call 610-627-4260 with questions about the Cancer Support Group “I Can Cope” Presentations.
Dr. Usui (Reiki’s Founder) Birthday SUMMER SEMINAR
Third Annual – August 14th, 15th, 16th - Save dates!!!!
Come celebrate Dr. Usui’s birthday with classes, shares, networking, and other activities, Check for updates at our blog at www.reikihealingcenter.org
Friday August 14th pre-registration required by August 13, 2009
Send deposits to Reiki Healing Center
- Reiki Master Symbol Attunement: Advanced Practice Reiki Practitioner, $300, 11am-5pm,
- class continues Saturday during events for students to get practice and continues Sunday, 11am-4pm
- Start doing Reiki for yourself and others: Reiki I, $300, 1-5pm, Friday/Saturday/Sunday
- Networking pizza dinner at the RHC, share costs, 5-6pm, OR bring your dinner.
- Dr. Usui’s Birthday Cake with Healing Attunements , $10-30 donation, pre-register, 7-9pm.
Saturday August 15th pre-registration required by August 13, 2009
Send deposits to Reiki Healing Center
- Reiki Master Practitioner (If you already have your Master Symbol) or Holistic Practitioner , $300 –
- learn paperwork, taxes, tips for starting a practice, etc., additional work required out of class before certificates granted, check blog for details.
- AP, Reiki I Classes continue.
- FREE EVENT: Meditations throughout the day – let us know if you would like to lead a meditation.
- Free Event (donations appreciated) Reiki Share for those who do Reiki, 10am-noon
- Networking gathering of Reiki Masters and Practitioners for Dr. Usui’s birthday, noon-1pm. Bring your lunch or pre-register to go out for a Thai lunch for $10.
- Intro to Reiki for people, pets, and the planet , 1pm
- Reiki Healing Circle 1:30-3:00pm: Mini-sessions to introduce the Reiki experience to newcomers and an opportunity for those who do Reiki to practice. Donations appreciated.
- FREE EVENT: Networking of Reiki Masters and Practitioners, 3-5pm
- 5-7pm, out on the town for dinner, Dutch Treat, OR bring food and stay at the RHC.
- Reiki Share after dinner, 7-9pm, at the RHC.
Sunday August 16th pre-registration required by August 3, 2009
Send deposits to Reiki Healing Center
Classes continue.
- 11am-4pm, First class for Reiki I and Reiki II, pre-register, $300 per level, 12 hours total classes,
- 2 additional 4-hour classes will be held, scheduled to meet students’ needs.
- 5pm, Seminar closing ceremony with awards Reiki I, and Advanced Practice Reiki Practitioner Certificates
IN JULY/AUGUST: Stop by and see Janet Howe at Selene Coop raising funds for trip to Thailand to work with endangered animals. And in August hear her talk at Ten Thousand Villages downstairs, State & Olive Sts.
Chakra Stones Class Saturday, September 26th 2009: 2-5pm, $55.
Please send check/money order by September 12th so that we can be sure to have your set of Chakra Stones included with class. Space is limited -- reserve your place early.Energy Workers! Gemstones, crystals, and minerals are a powerful and effective energy source to augment your healing abilities. They are readily available and their use is easily learned by anyone, and especially effective for practitioners of Reiki and other healing modalities. Come join us and explore the ways you can incorporate chakra centers and the power of crystals. A complete multicultural history of this art and a guided chakra meditation will be offered.Source materials, charts, and chakra stones will be included in the course package, so that you may practice this! Taught by:
Drew Schmith: Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki, Amaterasu Reiki Master, Lemurian Facilitator, Animal Healing Reiki, YanXin Qigong 9-Step Child Longevity Practitioner, Martial Arts, holding rank in Sil Lum tiger-Crane KungFu, Korean Tae Gyun, Okinawan Sai, Yan Xin Tai Chi. Member & Journeyman Tuscarora Lapidary Society, Delaware Minerological Society, Philadelphia Mineralogical Society, American Opal Society. Graduate BA Penn State, former Phila. Community College Photography Instructor, Retired US NAVY aerospace Photographer/Imager
SHARE: Practitioners trade with each other for a suggested $5 donation to help cover RHC rent,
HEALING CIRCLE: Receive a mini-session from Reiki practitioners for a suggested donation of $5-$20.
First Saturdays at RHC: led by Beth Holcombe, call 610-348-5698 to enter building if door is locked
SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: 10AM -noon – August 1st, September 5th
First Thursdays at Eviama Life Spa: led by Linda Waters
SHARE 262 South 16th St. 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA: 5-7PM – July 2nd, August 6th, Sept 3rd
NEW ! Second Thursdays at RHC: led by Joan Nikelsky – RSVP if possible to Joan, 215-498-5346
SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: 12 noon- 2pm -- July 9th, August 13th, September 10th
Second Saturday at RHC: during Media 2nd Saturday 7:30-9PM –
SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE -- July 11th, August 8th , September 12th
Third Tuesdays at RHC: led by Beth Holcombe, call 610-348-5698 to enter building if door is locked
SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: 6-8PM -- July 21st, August 18th, September 15th
Nick Kotchision's NEW SHARE IN DELAWARE – Saturday, July 18, 9 to 11 am at the Center for Integrative Health, 2502 Silverside Road, Ste. 9, Wilmington, DE 19810. If you know of anyone wanting to attend, please direct them to this address and Nick’s email at ngk@att.net or cell phone 302-230-1962. Donation of $10.00 requested to cover office expense.
NEW! Thursdays (Weekly) 2-7pm at RHC with Joan Nikelsky: Clinic with fees on sliding scale according to income. By appointment only, call or e-mail Joan, 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
Fourth Mondays at Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson, Media, PA: Free for those who use the Hometown Senior Center 1-2PM. Free for those over 55, 2-3PM by appointment, call 610-348-5698 --
July 27th, August 24th, September 28th
Last Wednesdays at RHC by appointment with Myra Reichel, free 15 minutes or $20 off your session -- July 29th, September 30th
Wednesdays in East Falls, Philadelphia, PA : Joanna Karaoulis, 267-918-6124
Special from now through the end of August: 60 minute Reiki sessions in Joanna’s studio between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm on Wednesdays will only cost $40, or you can get 3 sessions for $90.
SESSIONS at RHC by appointment CALL 610-348-5698 or individual practitioners
Eloise Prescott , Joan Nikelsky, Myra Reichel, Cathy Swanson, Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon
Extended Karuna Reiki ® $135, or Extended Usui Reiki Session $103 at the RHC or at your location within 12 miles of RHC, Full Karuna Reiki ® $95, Full Usui Reiki $75, ½ hr Usui Reiki $45,
3 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates. $200 – use for self or others, 4 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates. $250 (save $50),
House Clearing, $150 for up to 7 rooms up to 12 miles - after that $1 per mile additional miles one way.
DISTANCE: Usui Reiki or Magnified Healing Phase I: Three 20-min sessions for $50. You do not need to come into the office for these sessions. Just pick times and dates when you will be resting.
Magnified Healing Phase I & Phase 3, $50 per 1/2hour
NEW CLIENT REFFERAL CREDIT - $20 off sessions or classes per client who comes in that you refer to us.
2009 July-September CLASSES AT RHC
Please send a $50 deposit to Reiki Healing Center, 20 S. Olive St., Media PA 19063
NEW for Massage Therapist and Bodyworkers CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS NOW AVAILABLE through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers (NCBTMB) for all classes taught at the RHC or by its teachers.
Already have Reiki Certificate: audit any level that you have already for $25 per 3 hours of class that is being taught – if you attend the 12 hours of the entire class you will receive a certificate from the RHC.
You can get Student Liability Insurance for $65 per year or Practitioner Insurance for $200 through the ABMP. Professional Membership and Professional Insurance can be obtained through the IARP.
INTRO TO REIKI for People, Plants, Animals, and the Planet – By appointment $25 ½ hour: or at your location 2-hours by appointment: $120 for up to 6 people, includes mini-Reiki sessions.
REIKI I - 12 hours. Adults $300, Senior or under 18 $275, Disabled $210. Children under 12: $200 for 8 hr class; You will be able to do Reiki for yourself after 4 hours and others after 12 hours of classes.
Reiki I on Saturdays: July 18th, July 25th, and August 8th, 9am-1pm;
OR Sundays: July 19th and 26th, 10:30am-5pm;
OR Sundays: August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 2-6pm.
REIKI for ANIMALS – Once you have your basic Reiki I training and/or after your Reiki II training, you can take a 1 hour or longer class to go over tips for doing Reiki for animals. Cost: $50 per hour at the RHC or $75 per hour if you bring your pet. OR $102 per hour includes class plus doing Reiki for animals at your location within 20 miles.
REIKI II - 12 hours. Adults $300, Senior or under 18, $275, Disabled $210.
Scheduled Classes: July 18th, July 25th, 3rd class August 8th or another date can be arranged
ADVANCED PRACTICE REIKI PRACTITIONER - 12 hours. $300 plus $65 if you need student insurance. Receive your Master Symbol, learn chakra meditation, and work with pendulum. August 14, 15, 16 during Summer Seminar OR other dates/times
HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER/REIKI MASTER PRACTITIONER (RMP): $300 starting Sept. 2009, $400 -- business course – taxes, client paperwork, advertising, & professional development. Total approximately 30 hours for Holistic Practitioner Certificate (If you do not have Reiki Master Symbol), or Reiki Master Practitioner if you have Master Symbol. 12 hours class plus additional work required including paperwork handed in from 10 private sessions (at least 2 paid for), participation at 3 Reiki Shares/Healing Circles, leading 3 Reiki Shares/Healing Circles, 2 outside events, 2 Clinics, and offering own Intro to Reiki. Individual classes may be taken in any order for $100 per 4 hour class; additional classes for particular needs are also available. August 14, 15, 16 during Summer Seminar OR other dates/times
REIKI MASTER TEACHER (RMT): $100 per month for 13 months, or $200 per month for 6 months, or $1150 one-time payment. Total minimum 150 hours: 24 classroom hours, 50 hours auditing classes, 50 hours student teaching, plus 31 or more additional hours of outside requirements. Price going up starting Sept. 2009 to $1500 one payment, or $100 per month for 17 months, or $200 per month for 8 months. Includes 6 two-hour meetings, Reiki Master Teacher 12 hour workshop learning attunement process, paperwork from 8 clients plus 2 paid clients. Practice at 2 Shares, 2 Events, 2 Clinics, and offering own Intro to Reiki, etc. This is a wonderful learning experience that leaves you ready to teach Reiki classes. Ongoing – students can start at any time. Course is self-paced – takes approximately a year, depending on your availability and students signing up for classes.
KARUNA REIKI® developed by a group of Reiki Masters. You receive an Institute for Reiki Training Certificate signed by William Lee Rand. New requirements: You can take it 6 months after Reiki Master Symbol attunement.
Karuna Reiki® I - 8 hours by appointment. Cost $350.
Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Cost $250.
Audit the same level as a class if you have your certificate: Cost $50 per level being taught
Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki – you can review and learn how to do attunements) $300. If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I & II, then you need to take all 3 levels and review classes by appointment. Cost: $750
MAGNIFIED HEALING ® CLASSES - Send $50 deposit to RHC, 20 S. Olive St., Media, PA 19063.
Magnified Healing® Phase I: 2 days, 8-10 hrs total. You can teach this class 11 days after completion. By appt. at Sarah Hohenberger’s off City Line and Montgomery Aves, at the Reiki Healing Center, or at your location for 3 or more students Cost: $188. If you already have your certificate and want a review, $50.
Magnified Healing Celebration® Phase II: total 7-8 hrs, 4 hours class plus Celebration (date to be arranged). Pre-requisite Magnified Healing® Phase I. You can teach this class after 4 hours of class and participating in Celebration. Cost: $111.
Magnified Healing® Phase III: 2 days, 8-10 hrs total. Light Worker. Prerequisite 4 months plus 11 days daily practice of Phase I prior to workshop. Taught by: Sarah Hohenberger 215-877-0430. Cost: $245
(In order to teach this Third Phase of Magnified Healing ® additional classes are necessary).
Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Practice, and Reiki Master Practitioner (Holistic Practitioner), Karuna Reiki®, and Magnified Healing ® are offered Wednesday or Thursday in Warwick, NY, by Myra Reichel; For dates/times, call RHC.
Intro to Gurdjieff Meeting – Free, Call 610-348-7998, alternate Mondays - call for dates.
Mission Statement
Reiki Healing Center was founded in September of 2006 by Myra Reichel, Karuna Reiki ® & Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Master Teacher of Magnified Healing ®, to serve as a place for adults and children to learn about the power of Reiki (spiritually guided life force energy) for healing and relaxation of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Clients can receive or as students they can learn how to transmit Reiki Universal Healing Energy for their own healing, as well to heal other people, animals, plants, and the world itself. The Center is a place where those in need of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual relief from dis-ease can start their path to wellness, abundance, and prosperity. RHC is handicapped accessible; no stairs, take elevator to the 3rd fl. Discounts available of 10% for each of the following: seniors, students, disabled, unemployed, chronically ill or currently undergoing cancer treatments. Sliding Scale Clinic is available on Thursday. Other Clinics, share times, & healing circles are available for those Reiki Masters, Practitioners, students, and anyone else needing assistance.
Reiki Healing Center 20 S. Olive St. Media, PA 19063 610-348-5698 www.reikihealingcenter.org
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