10% off at RHC at all times for seniors, students, disabled, chronically ill and/or those who are currently unemployed.
A Reiki Share is a time set for practitioners to trade with each other - $5-10 suggested donation, and a Healing Circle is a mini-session from Reiki practitioners for $5-$20.
First Thursdays
Share at Eviama Life Spa 262 S. 16th St. Phila, PA 2nd floor led by Linda Waters: 5-7pm
First Saturdays
Share & Circle at RHC led by Beth Holcombe: 10am-1pm. NEW! Second Wednesdays Share for Reiki students and practitioners at RHC led by Beth Holcombe 5:30-8pm
Second Thursdays
Share & Circle at RHC led by Joan Nikelsky 12pm-2pm
Second Saturdays
Share & Circle at RHC during Media 2nd Saturday, when the town of Media becomes a street festival 7:30-9pm
Third Tuesdays
Share and Circle at RHC led by Beth Holcombe, 5:30-8pm
Reiki Clinics are where discounts on Sessions are offered.
Thursday weekly RHC Clinic
2-7pm by appointment: Sliding scale for full Reiki session $45-75 based on your own income. Contact: Joan Nikelsky 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
Fourth Monday
Clinic free for those over 55 at Media Fellowship House 305 S. Jackson St. Media, PA from 1-3pm for info: 610-348-5698
Last Wednesday Clinic at RHC
free 15 minutes or $20 off a full $75 hr. Reiki session by appointment call: 610-438-5698.
Usual RHC Rates for Private Reiki Sessions - Full $75. - Extended $105. Full Karuna $95. - Extended Karuna $135.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Print friendly RHC Newsletter for Dec. & Jan. (pdf)
2nd Saturday in Media, December 12th – FREE TALK
6-7pm: The six stages of cellular intoxification
Presented this month will be a brief, yet very insightful, overview about chronic toxic overload and how it affects our minds and bodies and the quality of life. Included is a free 5-10 minute personal Aurastar2000 imaging to help you 'see' objectively any potential problems in this area.
7-9pm: Reiki Relaxation and Healing 15-minute talk, followed by free Reiki mini-sessions.
Myra Reichel’s hand-woven tapestry series The Law of Three is on display.
Upcoming Media 2nd Saturday, January 9, 2010:
STAY TUNED – Coming in January:
Membership in the Reiki Healing Center will be offered, giving you discounts on classes, sessions, and other events, free Reiki Shares/Healing Circles, newsletter sent out to you by snail-mail if you want, plus other benefits. Regular membership fees will be $50 for one year or $30 for 6 months; discounted fees (senior, student, disabled, unemployed) will be $25 for one year or $15 for 6 months. Details in next newsletter; also check our website.
Holiday Gift Certificates to give to others or use for yourself. Also use for those far away to send distance healings
3 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $200, 4 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $250 (save $50).
House Clearing within 14 miles of RHC $150 up to 7 rooms – additional miles $2 per mile.
Distance Usui Reiki or Magnified Healing ®: Pick 3 dates/times for remote healing $50.
SESSIONS at RHC by appointment – Check website, Call 610-348-5698
Reiki sessions with: Myra Reichel, Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon, Joan Nikelsky, Cathy Swanson, Eloise Prescott, and Arthur DeRenzis.
Karuna Reiki® with Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon, and Myra Reichel.
Acupuncture sessions with Eloise Prescott.
Cranial Sacral sessions with Cathy Swanson.
Aurastar 2000 and Total Wellness Program with Sky of Stargazer Wellness.
IET sessions with Beth Holcombe.
Magnified Healing® sessions with Myra Reichel and Beth Holcombe.
REIKI CLINICS by RHC practitioners
Thursday Clinic weekly at RHC 2-7pm by appointment: Sliding scale for full Reiki session $45-75 based on income. Contact Joan Nikelsky 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
Fourth Monday Clinic - free mini-session for those over 55 at Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson St., Media, PA: 1-3 pm December 28 & January 25
Last Wednesday Clinic at RHC - free 15 minutes or $20 off a full session, by appointment: December 23 & January 27
(Note: 10% off at RHC at all times for seniors, students, disabled, and/or chronically ill)
Reiki Healing Circles for everyone interested in having a mini-Reiki session for a $5-20 donation. Reiki Shares for those attuned to Reiki (at least Level I) --
Check website www.reikihealingcenter.org for dates & times.
Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Practice are each 12 hours of classroom work before receiving certificate. Adults $300; Senior or under 18, $275; Disabled $210; Children 5-12 $200 if accompanying parent taking class at above rates. Reiki Master Practitioner is 16 hours plus additional work $400, Reiki Master Teacher takes 6 months or more to complete: $1400. Karuna Reiki ® and Magnified Healing ® classes; see listing below for prices.
For private classes (you receive 2-3 private sessions during class time) to meet your schedule $400. Please send a $50 deposit to Reiki Healing Center, 20 S. Olive St., Suite 305 - Media PA 19063 to register for a class one week prior to your start date.
Massage Therapist and Bodyworkers CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers (NCBTMB) for all classes taught at the RHC or by its teachers.
The following are suggested times for classes; please feel free to contact us to schedule dates and times to meet your needs. The times below are not set dates.
REIKI I – Fridays Dec. 4, 11, 18: 9am-1pm,
OR Saturday Dec. 5th 9am-1pm and 2-6pm, plus Sat. Jan. 2nd or Sun. Jan. 3rd 2-6pm
OR Sundays Dec. 6th, Jan. 3rd plus a 3rd date: 1-5pm
OR Sundays Dec. 20 and Jan. 10, plus another date: 2-6pm
OR Mondays Jan. 11, 18, 25: 2-6pm
REIKI II – Saturday Dec.12th, Sunday Dec 13th, and Sat. Jan. 9th: 10am-2:30pm
OR Saturdays Dec. 12th and Jan. 9th: 10am-5pm
OR Mondays Dec. 7, 14, 21: 2-6pm
OR Tuesdays Jan. 12, 19, 26: 11am-3pm
OR Tuesdays Jan. 26 and Feb 2, 9, 23: 6-9pm
ADVANCED PRACTICE REIKI PRACTITIONER (Reiki IIIA) – Thursdays Dec. 3, 10, 17: 1-5pm
OR Fridays Jan. 15, 22, 29: 9am-1pm
OR Sundays Dec. 20th and Jan. 17th: 10:30am-5pm
HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER/REIKI MASTER PRACTITIONER (RMP) *(Reiki III B) -- Certificate after 12 classroom hours and additional practice; classes can be taken independently in any order. Lead Reiki Shares. Learn about advertising, networking, and marketing yourself. Become familiar with client forms. What taxes to pay and deductions to take. How to work with clients undergoing severe physical, emotional, mental,and spiritual difficulties. Get full session practice.
Wednesday Dec. 9th and Thursday Jan. 7: 11am-6pm
OR Saturday December 19th: 10am-5pm and schedule 2nd 6 hour class when completed assignments.
OR Sunday Jan. 24th, Feb. 28th, and March 28: 1-5pm
OR do 6 two-hour classes Tuesday evenings 7-9pm: Dec. 8, Jan. 12, plus 4 other dates
REIKI MASTER TEACHER (RMT) (Reiki IIC): 24 classroom hours, 50 hours auditing classes, 50 hours student teaching, plus 31 or more additional hours of outside requirements. Ongoing – students can start at any time. Course is self-paced – takes approximately a year, depending on your availability and students signing up for classes. Gain the experience and confidence to teach Reiki classes and do Attunemnts.
Karuna Reiki® I – (Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master Symbol Attunement 6-12 months prior to class.)
8 hours by appointment. Cost $350. Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Cost $250. Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki – you can review and learn how to do attunements) $300. If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I & II, then you need to take all 3 levels and review classes by appointment. Cost: $750
Magnified Healing® Phase I: 2 days, total of 10-12 hrs. $225. You can teach this class 11 days after completion. By appt. at RHC $250 Magnified Healing Celebration® Phase II: 3-4 hours class plus participation in Celebration (date to be arranged). Pre-requisite Magnified Healing® Phase I. You can teach this class and lead Celebration. Cost: $111
You can sign up for our newsletter and see updates to calendar on the website and at RHC Newsletter blog. We are also on Facebook, Myspace, ByRegion, Meetup, and Community Listings.
Media, PA 19063
2nd Saturday in Media, December 12th – FREE TALK
6-7pm: The six stages of cellular intoxification
Presented this month will be a brief, yet very insightful, overview about chronic toxic overload and how it affects our minds and bodies and the quality of life. Included is a free 5-10 minute personal Aurastar2000 imaging to help you 'see' objectively any potential problems in this area.
7-9pm: Reiki Relaxation and Healing 15-minute talk, followed by free Reiki mini-sessions.
Upcoming Media 2nd Saturday, January 9, 2010:
STAY TUNED – Coming in January:
Membership in the Reiki Healing Center will be offered, giving you discounts on classes, sessions, and other events, free Reiki Shares/Healing Circles, newsletter sent out to you by snail-mail if you want, plus other benefits. Regular membership fees will be $50 for one year or $30 for 6 months; discounted fees (senior, student, disabled, unemployed) will be $25 for one year or $15 for 6 months. Details in next newsletter; also check our website.
Holiday Gift Certificates to give to others or use for yourself. Also use for those far away to send distance healings
3 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $200, 4 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $250 (save $50).
House Clearing within 14 miles of RHC $150 up to 7 rooms – additional miles $2 per mile.
Distance Usui Reiki or Magnified Healing ®: Pick 3 dates/times for remote healing $50.
SESSIONS at RHC by appointment – Check website, Call 610-348-5698
Reiki sessions with: Myra Reichel, Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon, Joan Nikelsky, Cathy Swanson, Eloise Prescott, and Arthur DeRenzis.
Karuna Reiki® with Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon, and Myra Reichel.
Acupuncture sessions with Eloise Prescott.
Cranial Sacral sessions with Cathy Swanson.
Aurastar 2000 and Total Wellness Program with Sky of Stargazer Wellness.
IET sessions with Beth Holcombe.
Magnified Healing® sessions with Myra Reichel and Beth Holcombe.
REIKI CLINICS by RHC practitioners
Thursday Clinic weekly at RHC 2-7pm by appointment: Sliding scale for full Reiki session $45-75 based on income. Contact Joan Nikelsky 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
Fourth Monday Clinic - free mini-session for those over 55 at Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson St., Media, PA: 1-3 pm December 28 & January 25
Last Wednesday Clinic at RHC - free 15 minutes or $20 off a full session, by appointment: December 23 & January 27
(Note: 10% off at RHC at all times for seniors, students, disabled, and/or chronically ill)
Reiki Healing Circles for everyone interested in having a mini-Reiki session for a $5-20 donation. Reiki Shares for those attuned to Reiki (at least Level I) --
Check website www.reikihealingcenter.org for dates & times.
December 2009-January 2010 CLASSES
Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Practice are each 12 hours of classroom work before receiving certificate. Adults $300; Senior or under 18, $275; Disabled $210; Children 5-12 $200 if accompanying parent taking class at above rates. Reiki Master Practitioner is 16 hours plus additional work $400, Reiki Master Teacher takes 6 months or more to complete: $1400. Karuna Reiki ® and Magnified Healing ® classes; see listing below for prices.
For private classes (you receive 2-3 private sessions during class time) to meet your schedule $400. Please send a $50 deposit to Reiki Healing Center, 20 S. Olive St., Suite 305 - Media PA 19063 to register for a class one week prior to your start date.
Massage Therapist and Bodyworkers CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers (NCBTMB) for all classes taught at the RHC or by its teachers.
The following are suggested times for classes; please feel free to contact us to schedule dates and times to meet your needs. The times below are not set dates.
REIKI I – Fridays Dec. 4, 11, 18: 9am-1pm,
OR Saturday Dec. 5th 9am-1pm and 2-6pm, plus Sat. Jan. 2nd or Sun. Jan. 3rd 2-6pm
OR Sundays Dec. 6th, Jan. 3rd plus a 3rd date: 1-5pm
OR Sundays Dec. 20 and Jan. 10, plus another date: 2-6pm
OR Mondays Jan. 11, 18, 25: 2-6pm
REIKI II – Saturday Dec.12th, Sunday Dec 13th, and Sat. Jan. 9th: 10am-2:30pm
OR Saturdays Dec. 12th and Jan. 9th: 10am-5pm
OR Mondays Dec. 7, 14, 21: 2-6pm
OR Tuesdays Jan. 12, 19, 26: 11am-3pm
OR Tuesdays Jan. 26 and Feb 2, 9, 23: 6-9pm
ADVANCED PRACTICE REIKI PRACTITIONER (Reiki IIIA) – Thursdays Dec. 3, 10, 17: 1-5pm
OR Fridays Jan. 15, 22, 29: 9am-1pm
OR Sundays Dec. 20th and Jan. 17th: 10:30am-5pm
HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER/REIKI MASTER PRACTITIONER (RMP) *(Reiki III B) -- Certificate after 12 classroom hours and additional practice; classes can be taken independently in any order. Lead Reiki Shares. Learn about advertising, networking, and marketing yourself. Become familiar with client forms. What taxes to pay and deductions to take. How to work with clients undergoing severe physical, emotional, mental,and spiritual difficulties. Get full session practice.
Wednesday Dec. 9th and Thursday Jan. 7: 11am-6pm
OR Saturday December 19th: 10am-5pm and schedule 2nd 6 hour class when completed assignments.
OR Sunday Jan. 24th, Feb. 28th, and March 28: 1-5pm
OR do 6 two-hour classes Tuesday evenings 7-9pm: Dec. 8, Jan. 12, plus 4 other dates
REIKI MASTER TEACHER (RMT) (Reiki IIC): 24 classroom hours, 50 hours auditing classes, 50 hours student teaching, plus 31 or more additional hours of outside requirements. Ongoing – students can start at any time. Course is self-paced – takes approximately a year, depending on your availability and students signing up for classes. Gain the experience and confidence to teach Reiki classes and do Attunemnts.
Karuna Reiki® I – (Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master Symbol Attunement 6-12 months prior to class.)
8 hours by appointment. Cost $350. Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Cost $250. Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki – you can review and learn how to do attunements) $300. If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I & II, then you need to take all 3 levels and review classes by appointment. Cost: $750
Magnified Healing® Phase I: 2 days, total of 10-12 hrs. $225. You can teach this class 11 days after completion. By appt. at RHC $250 Magnified Healing Celebration® Phase II: 3-4 hours class plus participation in Celebration (date to be arranged). Pre-requisite Magnified Healing® Phase I. You can teach this class and lead Celebration. Cost: $111
Mission Statement
Reiki Healing Center was founded in September of 2006 by Myra Reichel, Karuna Reiki ® & Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Master Teacher of Magnified Healing ®, to serve as a place for adults and children to learn about the power of Reiki (spiritually guided life force energy) for healing and relaxation of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Clients can receive or as students they can learn how to transmit Reiki Universal Healing Energy for their own healing, as well to heal other people, animals, plants, and the world itself. The Center is a place where those in need of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual relief from dis-ease can start their path to wellness, abundance, and prosperity. You can sign up for our newsletter and see updates to calendar on the website and at RHC Newsletter blog. We are also on Facebook, Myspace, ByRegion, Meetup, and Community Listings.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Myra Reichel and the Reiki Healing Center
305 S. Olive St. Suite 305Media, PA 19063
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