Monday, October 26, 2009
Reiki Hand Positions for Self Treatment
William Lee Rand demonstrates hand positions for a Reiki self-treatment. This is a video excerpt from The Reiki Touch Kit, available at http://www.reikiwebstore.com
Reiki Healing Center in Media, PA offers classes in Reiki monthly. Call Myra at 610-348-5698 for more information.
Reiki Hand Positions,
Reiki Healing Center
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
October - January Newsletter
October/November/December 2009 NEWSLETTER www.reikihealingcenter.org
20 South Olive St., Suite 305, Media PA 19063, 610-348-5698
Upstairs from Ten Thousand Villages in Media at the corner of State and Olive Streets; use side door on Olive under awning.
Media 2nd Saturday October 10th 6-9 pm
• STARGAZER TOTAL WELLNESS PROGRAM with AURASTAR 2000 Bio-energy Imaging by Howard 'Sky' Altemus, CEP, LGPN, during the evening. Fee.
• 6pm Michaelann Velicky, OTR/L, BCIA, MindView Neurofeedback and Cognitive Training: "Discover how neurofeedback training can optimize function in life through improved self-regulation and cognitive performance." Free Talk
• 7 pm Intro to Reiki followed by Reiki mini-sessions and Reiki Share Free Talk
Donations appreciated for mini-sessions
Thursday October 22 - 6-7 pm – Eloise Prescott “Introduction to Acupuncture.” These are a few proven benefits of acupuncture - it helps alleviate pain, menstrual and menopausal conditions, stress, depression, anxiety, nausea and vomiting. RSVP Eloise Prescott 267-240-5109 Free
October 23rd – Magnified Healing Celebration® with distance healings:
Main Floor 2, 6-6:45 pm at Mind Body Spirit Expo, Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia. Lady Master Kwan Yin’s teachings, increase light frequencies, breathing, energy channeling, connecting all aspects of self. Mini Magnified Healing® sessions offered at Booth C-512. See www.magnifiedhealing.com www.reikihealincenter.org
Call Dawn 610- 610-636-0279, Roxayne 610-524-2171, or Myra 610-348-5698
Free with purchase of entry ticket.
MIND BODY SPIRIT EXPO October 23-25, Valley Forge Convention Center. Special Guests James Van Praagh, Dr. Larry Dossey, Mariel Hemingway, Dan Millman, Eric Pearl, Michele Livingston, Joseph Tittel, Carol Bowman; 65 free lectures, 150 exhibitors including Myra Reichel (2 pm Sunday in Gettysburg 2: “All About Reiki Attunements”). Free yoga classes, natural food court, and more. Free parking. Tickets: 215-599-EXPO (3976); www.mindbodyspiritexpo.com $2 off with this coupon courtesy of the Reiki Healing Center – please clip this newsletter coupon and show it when purchasing tickets in person or tell them on the web or over the phone that Reiki Healing Center told you.
Upcoming Media 2nd Saturday on November 14th from 6-9 pm and on December 12th from 6-9pm check our blog on our website www.reikihealingcenter.org . STARGAZER TOTAL WELLNESS PROGRAM , AURASTAR Acupuncture, and Reiki talks.
Holiday Gift Certificates to give to others or use for yourself. Also use for those far away to send distance healings 3 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $200, 4 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $250 (save $50). House Clearing within 14 miles of RHC $150 up to 7 rooms – additional miles $2 per mile.
REIKI SESSIONS at RHC by appointment CALL 610-348-5698
Sessions with: Myra Reichel, Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon
Full Karuna Reiki ® $95, Full Usui Reiki $75, and Mini-Reiki Sessions $45 at RHC.
Extended Karuna Reiki ® $135, Extended Usui Reiki Session $103 at RHC or within 14 mile radius of RHC,
Sessions with: Joan Nikelsky, Cathy Swanson Full Usui Reiki $75
Sessions with: Eloise Prescott: Reiki with Assessment October special rate $80 includes one hour interview and physical assessment and makes you eligible for a 2 hour complete acupuncture treatment with a complete Reiki session for $100 only in November. Call Eloise at 267-240-5109.
Beginning in November - Acupuncture treatments $80, combined Reiki/Acupuncture $140.
Sessions with: Myra Reichel, Beth Holcombe Magnified Healing® $100.
Distance Usui Reiki or Magnified Healing ®: Pick 3 dates/times for remote healing $50.
SHARE: Practitioners trade with each other for a suggested $5-10 donation to help cover rent. HEALING CIRCLE: Mini-session from Reiki practitioners for suggested donation of $5-$20.
On Saturdays and evenings after 5:45 the door downstairs at the Reiki Healing Center (RHC) is locked; you will need to call 610-348-5698 to be let into the building if the door is not open – if you do not have a cell phone, call before you leave home and let us know when to expect you.
First Thursdays at Eviama Life Spa– 262 S. 16th St. Phila. PA: SHARE led by Linda Waters 5-7pm October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd, January 7th
First Saturdays at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE led by Beth Holcombe: 10AM –noon
October 3rd, November 7th, December 5th, January 9th
NEW! Second Wednesday at RHC: Reiki Share for Reiki students and all level Reiki Practitioners
5:30-8pm Led by Beth: October 14th, November 11th, December 9th, January 13th
Second Thursdays at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: led by Joan Nikelsky, 12 noon- 2pm
RSVP if possible to Joan, 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
October 8th , November 12th, December 10th , January 14th
Second Saturday at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE during Media 2nd Saturday, 7:30-9PM –
October 10th , November 14th, December 12th , January 9th
Third Tuesdays at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: led by Beth Holcombe, 5:30-8PM
October 20th, November 17th, December 15th, January 19th
REIKI CLINICS by RHC practitioners
Clinics are where free sessions are offered or special discounts are offered.
Thursday Clinic weekly at RHC 2-7pm by appointment: Sliding scale for full Reiki session $45-75 based on income. Contact Joan Nikelsky 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
Fourth Monday Clinic free for those over 55 at Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson St., Media, PA: 1-3 pm October 26, November 23rd, December 28th
Last Wednesday Clinic at RHC free 15 minutes or $20 off a full session, by appointment October 28, November 25th, December 30th
(Note: 10% off at RHC at all times for seniors, students, disabled, and/or chronically ill)
2009 October-January CLASSES
Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Practice are each 12 hours of classroom work before receiving certificate. Adults $300; Senior or under 18 $275; Disabled $210; Children 5-12: $200 if accompanying parent taking class at above rates. Reiki Master Practitioner is 16 hours plus additional work $400, Reiki Master Teacher takes 6 months or more to complete: $1400. Karuna Reiki ® and Magnified Healing ® classes; see listing for prices. For private classes (you receive 2-3 private sessions during class time) to meet your schedule $400. Please send a $50 deposit to Reiki Healing Center, 20 S. Olive St., Suite 305 - Media PA 19063 to register for a class one week prior to your start date.
Massage Therapist and Bodyworkers CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers (NCBTMB) for all classes taught at the RHC or by its teachers.
REIKI I – Wednesdays October 21 and 28 11am-6pm, Thursdays in November, Fridays in December, Mondays in January by appointment
OR 1st Saturdays November 7th, & December 5th & January 2nd or another date 1-5pm
OR 1st Sundays November 1st, December 6th, January 3rd or another date 1-5pm
OR Sundays November 1st and 8th 1-7pm
REIKI II –Thursdays in October, Fridays in November, Mondays in December, Tuesdays in January by appointment. OR start Sunday 18th 10am-2pm and possibly longer and finish Oct 31st all day. OR start Sundays November 15th and November 22nd or December 13th 1-7pm OR start 2nd Saturday December 12th and January 9th 10am-5pm
ADVANCED PRACTICE REIKI PRACTITIONER – Tuesdays in October, Wednesdays in November, Thursdays in December, Fridays in January by appointment OR 3rd Sundays in October and November
OR Saturday November 21st 9am-1pm and 2-6pm plus Saturday December 19th 2-6pm
OR 3rd Sundays in December and January
HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER/REIKI MASTER PRACTITIONER (RMP) Certificate after 12 classroom hours and additional practice; classes can be taken independently in any order:
Mondays in October, Tuesdays in November, Wednesdays in December, Thursdays in January by appointment OR Saturday October 31st and Saturday December 19th 10am-5pm
OR Reiki Master Practitioner 6 two-hour classes Tuesday evenings 7-9pm Nov 3, 10, 24, Dec 1, 8, and Jan 12 (12 classroom hours), do Reiki Share Nov 14, Dec 15, Jan 19th plus additional outside work required. Advertising, deductions, paperwork, working with clients undergoing severe physical, emotional , mental and spiritual difficulties, networking, and full session practice, $400
REIKI MASTER TEACHER (RMT): 24 classroom hours, 50 hours auditing classes, 50 hours student teaching, plus 31 or more additional hours of outside requirements. Ongoing – students can start at any time. Course is self-paced – takes approximately a year, depending on your availability and students signing up for classes.
Karuna Reiki® I – Prerequisite: Reiki Master Symbol Attunement 6-12 months prior to class. 8 hours by appointment. Cost $350. Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Cost $250. Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki – you can review and learn how to do attunements) $300. If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I & II, then you need to take all 3 levels and review classes by appointment. Cost: $750 2 3-hour classes each level – Oct 18 or Nov 7 or 14 from 2-5pm or Nov 15 or 22 from 10am-1pm – other dates/ times possible.
Magnified Healing® Phase I: 2 days, 10-12 hrs. $225. You can teach this class 11 days after completion. By appt. at RHC $250 or take Magnified Healing® MASTER-TEACHER 2-DAY WORKSHOP: SAT AND SUN, OCT 10-11, 2009 TIME: 10-6 PM BOTH DAYS, LOCATION: TBA Hatboro/Willow Grove area - PLEASE CONTACT: HARRIET LEFF 215-441-0991 BIGHAR01@AOL.COM REGISTRATION: $225 PAID IN FULL BY SEPT 30 OR $250 W/$50 DEPOSIT BY SEPT 30 AND THE BALANCE ($200) PAID ON OR BEFORE OCT 10. Registration Fee includes the two-day workshop, lunch both days, water and healthy snacks, the Magnified Healing® CD, Teaching Manual, 4 oz bottle of the Magnified Healing Essence and the gold-embossed Certificate, plus Karma Clearing and lots of Learning and Healing! Are you on the path of Ascension? Do you desire to prepare yourself, others, and the Earth to usher in the new higher vibrations of pure Love, Light and Freedom? Do you desire to clear ALL of your Karmic Debt once and for all? If your answers are "Yes!" this course is for you!
Magnified Healing Celebration® Phase II: 3-4 hours class plus participation in Celebration (date to be arranged). Pre-requisite Magnified Healing® Phase I. You can teach this class and lead Celebration. Cost: $111 – we can offer a 2-hour Phase II class Friday Oct 16th and/or another day /time during the week or weekend.
Magnified Healing® Phase III: 2 days, 8-10 hrs total. Light Worker. Prerequisite 4 months plus 11 days daily practice of Phase I prior to workshop. Taught by: Sarah Hohenberger 215-877-0430. Cost ; or by Chris Aldworth in Delaware. (In order to teach this Third Phase of Magnified Healing ® additional classes are necessary).
What our practitioners are doing
Myra Reichel, Cathy Swanson, Joan Nikelsky, Maria Fernandez Garlington, Arthur DeRenzis, Khadjiah Renee, and Dee Wartenberg will be at booth C512 during the Mind Body Spirt Expo. Let us know if you wish to join us there.
Nick Kotchision and Karon Massado Reiki Masters from the Reiki Healing Center are now offering Reiki sessions by appointment at the Center for Integrative Health, 2502 Silverside Road, Ste. 9, Wilmington, DE 19810. Contact Nick at ngk@att.net or 302-230-1962.
Khadijah "Renee" Reiki Master Practitioner is offering Reiki Sessions by appointment at the Advanced Spinal Care Center, 1129 Pine Street. Philadelphia, PA, 215-910-8902
Joanna Karaoulis moved to Baltimore with her husband and will be offering Reiki there.
Janet Howe will be in Thailand volunteering with endangered animals until spring or longer.
Danielle Herman is in China teaching English.
Mission Statement
Reiki Healing Center was founded in September of 2006 by Myra Reichel, Karuna Reiki ® & Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Master Teacher of Magnified Healing ®, to serve as a place for adults and children to learn about the power of Reiki (spiritually guided life force energy) for healing and relaxation of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Clients can receive or as students they can learn how to transmit Reiki Universal Healing Energy for their own healing, as well to heal other people, animals, plants, and the world itself. The Center is a place where those in need of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual relief from dis-ease can start their path to wellness, abundance, and prosperity.
You can sign up for our newsletter and see updates to calendar on the website and at Google blog at www.Reikihealingcenter.org. We are also on Facebook, Myspace, ByRegion, Meetup, and Community Listings.
October/November/December 2009 NEWSLETTER www.reikihealingcenter.org
20 South Olive St., Suite 305, Media PA 19063, 610-348-5698
Upstairs from Ten Thousand Villages in Media at the corner of State and Olive Streets; use side door on Olive under awning.
Media 2nd Saturday October 10th 6-9 pm
• STARGAZER TOTAL WELLNESS PROGRAM with AURASTAR 2000 Bio-energy Imaging by Howard 'Sky' Altemus, CEP, LGPN, during the evening. Fee.
• 6pm Michaelann Velicky, OTR/L, BCIA, MindView Neurofeedback and Cognitive Training: "Discover how neurofeedback training can optimize function in life through improved self-regulation and cognitive performance." Free Talk
• 7 pm Intro to Reiki followed by Reiki mini-sessions and Reiki Share Free Talk
Donations appreciated for mini-sessions
Thursday October 22 - 6-7 pm – Eloise Prescott “Introduction to Acupuncture.” These are a few proven benefits of acupuncture - it helps alleviate pain, menstrual and menopausal conditions, stress, depression, anxiety, nausea and vomiting. RSVP Eloise Prescott 267-240-5109 Free
October 23rd – Magnified Healing Celebration® with distance healings:
Main Floor 2, 6-6:45 pm at Mind Body Spirit Expo, Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia. Lady Master Kwan Yin’s teachings, increase light frequencies, breathing, energy channeling, connecting all aspects of self. Mini Magnified Healing® sessions offered at Booth C-512. See www.magnifiedhealing.com www.reikihealincenter.org
Call Dawn 610- 610-636-0279, Roxayne 610-524-2171, or Myra 610-348-5698
Free with purchase of entry ticket.
MIND BODY SPIRIT EXPO October 23-25, Valley Forge Convention Center. Special Guests James Van Praagh, Dr. Larry Dossey, Mariel Hemingway, Dan Millman, Eric Pearl, Michele Livingston, Joseph Tittel, Carol Bowman; 65 free lectures, 150 exhibitors including Myra Reichel (2 pm Sunday in Gettysburg 2: “All About Reiki Attunements”). Free yoga classes, natural food court, and more. Free parking. Tickets: 215-599-EXPO (3976); www.mindbodyspiritexpo.com $2 off with this coupon courtesy of the Reiki Healing Center – please clip this newsletter coupon and show it when purchasing tickets in person or tell them on the web or over the phone that Reiki Healing Center told you.
Upcoming Media 2nd Saturday on November 14th from 6-9 pm and on December 12th from 6-9pm check our blog on our website www.reikihealingcenter.org . STARGAZER TOTAL WELLNESS PROGRAM , AURASTAR Acupuncture, and Reiki talks.
Holiday Gift Certificates to give to others or use for yourself. Also use for those far away to send distance healings 3 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $200, 4 Usui Reiki Gift Certificates $250 (save $50). House Clearing within 14 miles of RHC $150 up to 7 rooms – additional miles $2 per mile.
REIKI SESSIONS at RHC by appointment CALL 610-348-5698
Sessions with: Myra Reichel, Beth Holcombe, Joe Moon
Full Karuna Reiki ® $95, Full Usui Reiki $75, and Mini-Reiki Sessions $45 at RHC.
Extended Karuna Reiki ® $135, Extended Usui Reiki Session $103 at RHC or within 14 mile radius of RHC,
Sessions with: Joan Nikelsky, Cathy Swanson Full Usui Reiki $75
Sessions with: Eloise Prescott: Reiki with Assessment October special rate $80 includes one hour interview and physical assessment and makes you eligible for a 2 hour complete acupuncture treatment with a complete Reiki session for $100 only in November. Call Eloise at 267-240-5109.
Beginning in November - Acupuncture treatments $80, combined Reiki/Acupuncture $140.
Sessions with: Myra Reichel, Beth Holcombe Magnified Healing® $100.
Distance Usui Reiki or Magnified Healing ®: Pick 3 dates/times for remote healing $50.
SHARE: Practitioners trade with each other for a suggested $5-10 donation to help cover rent. HEALING CIRCLE: Mini-session from Reiki practitioners for suggested donation of $5-$20.
On Saturdays and evenings after 5:45 the door downstairs at the Reiki Healing Center (RHC) is locked; you will need to call 610-348-5698 to be let into the building if the door is not open – if you do not have a cell phone, call before you leave home and let us know when to expect you.
First Thursdays at Eviama Life Spa– 262 S. 16th St. Phila. PA: SHARE led by Linda Waters 5-7pm October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd, January 7th
First Saturdays at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE led by Beth Holcombe: 10AM –noon
October 3rd, November 7th, December 5th, January 9th
NEW! Second Wednesday at RHC: Reiki Share for Reiki students and all level Reiki Practitioners
5:30-8pm Led by Beth: October 14th, November 11th, December 9th, January 13th
Second Thursdays at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: led by Joan Nikelsky, 12 noon- 2pm
RSVP if possible to Joan, 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
October 8th , November 12th, December 10th , January 14th
Second Saturday at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE during Media 2nd Saturday, 7:30-9PM –
October 10th , November 14th, December 12th , January 9th
Third Tuesdays at RHC: SHARE & HEALING CIRCLE: led by Beth Holcombe, 5:30-8PM
October 20th, November 17th, December 15th, January 19th
REIKI CLINICS by RHC practitioners
Clinics are where free sessions are offered or special discounts are offered.
Thursday Clinic weekly at RHC 2-7pm by appointment: Sliding scale for full Reiki session $45-75 based on income. Contact Joan Nikelsky 215-498-5346, ReikiJoan@live.com
Fourth Monday Clinic free for those over 55 at Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson St., Media, PA: 1-3 pm October 26, November 23rd, December 28th
Last Wednesday Clinic at RHC free 15 minutes or $20 off a full session, by appointment October 28, November 25th, December 30th
(Note: 10% off at RHC at all times for seniors, students, disabled, and/or chronically ill)
2009 October-January CLASSES
Reiki I, Reiki II, Advanced Practice are each 12 hours of classroom work before receiving certificate. Adults $300; Senior or under 18 $275; Disabled $210; Children 5-12: $200 if accompanying parent taking class at above rates. Reiki Master Practitioner is 16 hours plus additional work $400, Reiki Master Teacher takes 6 months or more to complete: $1400. Karuna Reiki ® and Magnified Healing ® classes; see listing for prices. For private classes (you receive 2-3 private sessions during class time) to meet your schedule $400. Please send a $50 deposit to Reiki Healing Center, 20 S. Olive St., Suite 305 - Media PA 19063 to register for a class one week prior to your start date.
Massage Therapist and Bodyworkers CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers (NCBTMB) for all classes taught at the RHC or by its teachers.
REIKI I – Wednesdays October 21 and 28 11am-6pm, Thursdays in November, Fridays in December, Mondays in January by appointment
OR 1st Saturdays November 7th, & December 5th & January 2nd or another date 1-5pm
OR 1st Sundays November 1st, December 6th, January 3rd or another date 1-5pm
OR Sundays November 1st and 8th 1-7pm
REIKI II –Thursdays in October, Fridays in November, Mondays in December, Tuesdays in January by appointment. OR start Sunday 18th 10am-2pm and possibly longer and finish Oct 31st all day. OR start Sundays November 15th and November 22nd or December 13th 1-7pm OR start 2nd Saturday December 12th and January 9th 10am-5pm
ADVANCED PRACTICE REIKI PRACTITIONER – Tuesdays in October, Wednesdays in November, Thursdays in December, Fridays in January by appointment OR 3rd Sundays in October and November
OR Saturday November 21st 9am-1pm and 2-6pm plus Saturday December 19th 2-6pm
OR 3rd Sundays in December and January
HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER/REIKI MASTER PRACTITIONER (RMP) Certificate after 12 classroom hours and additional practice; classes can be taken independently in any order:
Mondays in October, Tuesdays in November, Wednesdays in December, Thursdays in January by appointment OR Saturday October 31st and Saturday December 19th 10am-5pm
OR Reiki Master Practitioner 6 two-hour classes Tuesday evenings 7-9pm Nov 3, 10, 24, Dec 1, 8, and Jan 12 (12 classroom hours), do Reiki Share Nov 14, Dec 15, Jan 19th plus additional outside work required. Advertising, deductions, paperwork, working with clients undergoing severe physical, emotional , mental and spiritual difficulties, networking, and full session practice, $400
REIKI MASTER TEACHER (RMT): 24 classroom hours, 50 hours auditing classes, 50 hours student teaching, plus 31 or more additional hours of outside requirements. Ongoing – students can start at any time. Course is self-paced – takes approximately a year, depending on your availability and students signing up for classes.
Karuna Reiki® I – Prerequisite: Reiki Master Symbol Attunement 6-12 months prior to class. 8 hours by appointment. Cost $350. Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Cost $250. Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki – you can review and learn how to do attunements) $300. If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I & II, then you need to take all 3 levels and review classes by appointment. Cost: $750 2 3-hour classes each level – Oct 18 or Nov 7 or 14 from 2-5pm or Nov 15 or 22 from 10am-1pm – other dates/ times possible.
Magnified Healing® Phase I: 2 days, 10-12 hrs. $225. You can teach this class 11 days after completion. By appt. at RHC $250 or take Magnified Healing® MASTER-TEACHER 2-DAY WORKSHOP: SAT AND SUN, OCT 10-11, 2009 TIME: 10-6 PM BOTH DAYS, LOCATION: TBA Hatboro/Willow Grove area - PLEASE CONTACT: HARRIET LEFF 215-441-0991 BIGHAR01@AOL.COM REGISTRATION: $225 PAID IN FULL BY SEPT 30 OR $250 W/$50 DEPOSIT BY SEPT 30 AND THE BALANCE ($200) PAID ON OR BEFORE OCT 10. Registration Fee includes the two-day workshop, lunch both days, water and healthy snacks, the Magnified Healing® CD, Teaching Manual, 4 oz bottle of the Magnified Healing Essence and the gold-embossed Certificate, plus Karma Clearing and lots of Learning and Healing! Are you on the path of Ascension? Do you desire to prepare yourself, others, and the Earth to usher in the new higher vibrations of pure Love, Light and Freedom? Do you desire to clear ALL of your Karmic Debt once and for all? If your answers are "Yes!" this course is for you!
Magnified Healing Celebration® Phase II: 3-4 hours class plus participation in Celebration (date to be arranged). Pre-requisite Magnified Healing® Phase I. You can teach this class and lead Celebration. Cost: $111 – we can offer a 2-hour Phase II class Friday Oct 16th and/or another day /time during the week or weekend.
Magnified Healing® Phase III: 2 days, 8-10 hrs total. Light Worker. Prerequisite 4 months plus 11 days daily practice of Phase I prior to workshop. Taught by: Sarah Hohenberger 215-877-0430. Cost ; or by Chris Aldworth in Delaware. (In order to teach this Third Phase of Magnified Healing ® additional classes are necessary).
What our practitioners are doing
Myra Reichel, Cathy Swanson, Joan Nikelsky, Maria Fernandez Garlington, Arthur DeRenzis, Khadjiah Renee, and Dee Wartenberg will be at booth C512 during the Mind Body Spirt Expo. Let us know if you wish to join us there.
Nick Kotchision and Karon Massado Reiki Masters from the Reiki Healing Center are now offering Reiki sessions by appointment at the Center for Integrative Health, 2502 Silverside Road, Ste. 9, Wilmington, DE 19810. Contact Nick at ngk@att.net or 302-230-1962.
Khadijah "Renee" Reiki Master Practitioner is offering Reiki Sessions by appointment at the Advanced Spinal Care Center, 1129 Pine Street. Philadelphia, PA, 215-910-8902
Joanna Karaoulis moved to Baltimore with her husband and will be offering Reiki there.
Janet Howe will be in Thailand volunteering with endangered animals until spring or longer.
Danielle Herman is in China teaching English.
Mission Statement
Reiki Healing Center was founded in September of 2006 by Myra Reichel, Karuna Reiki ® & Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Master Teacher of Magnified Healing ®, to serve as a place for adults and children to learn about the power of Reiki (spiritually guided life force energy) for healing and relaxation of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Clients can receive or as students they can learn how to transmit Reiki Universal Healing Energy for their own healing, as well to heal other people, animals, plants, and the world itself. The Center is a place where those in need of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual relief from dis-ease can start their path to wellness, abundance, and prosperity.
You can sign up for our newsletter and see updates to calendar on the website and at Google blog at www.Reikihealingcenter.org. We are also on Facebook, Myspace, ByRegion, Meetup, and Community Listings.
2 Brass Music concerts
Il Circolo Italiano of the Main Line
The Woodlynde School
445 Upper Gulph Road
Strafford, PA 19087
Website: IlCircoloItaliano.shutterfly.com
Email: IlCircoloItalianoML@yahoo.com
Next meeting:
Wednesday October 7, 2009
Class-7:00 pm, Concert- 8:00pm
A group of brass musicians from Italy will be performing this free concert Wednesday night Oct 7th
On Thursday, October 8th they will be performing at The Restaurant School at Walnit College from 6-8pm with a $12 3 course pasta dinner that the proceeds go to the Italian Earthquake fund.
The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College
4207 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The Woodlynde School
445 Upper Gulph Road
Strafford, PA 19087
Website: IlCircoloItaliano.shutterfly.com
Email: IlCircoloItalianoML@yahoo.com
Next meeting:
Wednesday October 7, 2009
Class-7:00 pm, Concert- 8:00pm
A group of brass musicians from Italy will be performing this free concert Wednesday night Oct 7th
On Thursday, October 8th they will be performing at The Restaurant School at Walnit College from 6-8pm with a $12 3 course pasta dinner that the proceeds go to the Italian Earthquake fund.
The Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College
4207 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Monday, October 5, 2009
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