Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cyclown Cirkus/Goodnight Circus arriving from Berlin, Germany at Media Farmers Market Thursday Aug 25th 3-7pm

Come hear Myra’s family  play music at the Media Farmers Market this Thursday August 25 from 3-7pm.
Come meet local farmers and go home with top quality fruit, vegetables, meat, honey, pastries, and other local food products.

The farmers market is in the parking lot  located to the left of the Media Theatre on State St. across from the Media Elementary School. It will just be the 2 of them, Raffe and Christine, without the rest of their band, back in this country for the first time since their wedding on Valentine’s Day.

Hope to see you there.

Myra 610-348-5698

Monday, August 22, 2011

Alexander Technique Classes

New Classes Forming in Alexander Technique & T'ai Chi Ch'uan at The Bridge in Narberth, PA, taught by Jano Cohen

Two FREE Introductions to the Alexander Technique

Respond to a gentle touch, change your postural habits,
release tension and move with comfort
Tuesdays - Aug. 30 and Sept. 6, 2011

One FREE Introduction to T’ai Chi Chuan
Move your energy with an ancient Chinese martial art
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011

Beginning Level T’ai Chi Chuan
Start to learn the Cheng Man Ching short yang form
Wednesdays ongoing: Starting Sept. 7, 2011
$150 ten classes
$20 single class drop in

Alexander Technique: Reduce pain and tension
Move gently with awareness and experience healing rest position
Thursdays – Two Classes: Sept. 8 and 15, 2011
$30 single class drop in

Alexander Technique: Exercise without Injury
and with Greater Skill
Move your body according to its anatomical
design with less force!
Thursdays – Four Classes: Oct. 6-27, 2011
$100 four classes
$30 single class drop in

Alexander Technique and Authentic Movement
Move to release tension and inhabit your body
in a safe environment
Thursdays – Three Classes: Nov. 3-17, 2011
$75 three classes
$30 single class drop in

Call 610-639-3356 or email janocohen@gmail.com

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Louise Mastromarino at Reiki Healing Center

Sunday & Monday, August 21-22, Louise Mastromarino

Join us for holistic readings and Reiki sessions by Louisa Mastromarino, Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, counselor, medium, and certified pain management specialist.  We create client-focused sessions that manage pain and stress.

Louise Mastromarino from New York will be visiting again and offering Angel private readings. She is a remarkable clairaudient who participated recently in the Phase III Teacher Training for Magnified Healing® and stayed in the area to give readings to some of our members.

A private reading is $111 for an hour. If 2 people wish to share the hour it will be 2 people for $120 per hour ($60 per person), distant readings are also available. Please register by e-mail myra (at) reikihealingcenter.org or leave a message at 610-348-5698 if you wish a private or group session or distance reading.

Psychic Consulting, Mediumship, Spiritual Readings with Master Guides  

Your Angels and Master guides are love and want to share their wisdom with you. Certified ANGEL THERAPY(c) Practitioner, medium, and channeling professional, Louisa Mastromarino, will answer your questions about life purpose, business, relationships, career and more.  The angels Gabrielle, Michael, and Uriel and Masters Jesus, Mary and Kwan Yin, provide accurate, solid advice and information for you.  Learn about your next level of spiritual growth.  Learn how your guides are working to make your life special.

Cost: $111 

Private Reiki Sessions
Reiki is a beneficial session for stress reduction and relaxation.  Reiki allows the mind, body, and spiritual aspects of ourself to integrate and balance the chakra system and meridians. Reiki is a laying-on-of-hands holistic modality that focuses on positive energy and renewal.  Other benefits included increased joy, enhanced immunity, and enhanced creativity. This is a specialize session that focuses on balancing chakras and meridians for pain management and stress management.
Louise Mastromarino,1-718-981-2259  Cost: $111

Guided Visualzation Sessionshttp://ih.constantcontact.com/fs015/1102329648757/img/92.jpg
Our special visualization sessions allow you to create with specific goals in mind.
The mind is powerful and can support you in creating new experiences for you.

We offer a detailed program on weight management, business manifestation, career manifestation, illness transmutation, soul mate connection, and more.

Experience a meditation that allows you to create more joy in any of these areas.

60 Minute program: $111

For more information about our guided meditation program visit our site at www.distantholistic.com

Special Events with Louise Mastromarino, 1-718-981-2259

Sunday, August 21, 2011, &  Monday, August 22, 2011

At The Reiki Healing Center, Media , PA.

Phone Myra Reichel at (610) 348-5698 by Saturday, Aug. 20 to register for your appointment. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dr. Usui's Birthday Celebration

Reiki Healing Center's Annual Dr. Usui Birthday Celebration is coming up this  August!

Sun.-Mon. August 14th-15th

Reiki Healing Center's 5th Annual Birthday Celebration for Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki. Come out for a variety of events and birthday cake.

Special Birthday Celebration Classes

Meditation to Develop your Spiritual Abilities

Sunday, August 14,1-3pm, 10 - 11 am, Meditation to Develop your Spiritual Abilities, with Rahman Beckwith, pre-payment/pre-registration required $50

Original Reiki Techniques Rediscovered

Sunday, August 14,1-3pm - Special class: Original Reiki Techniques Rediscovered, as taught by Australia’s International House of Reiki. Myra Reichel will share meditation and breathing techniques with students already attuned to Reiki; bring your REIKI Certificate to class. $40 for 2 hours.

Psychic Development Workshop

Sunday, August 14, 7-9pm Workshop: Foundations of Psychic Development II - Keys to Psychic Development, Integrity: The Spiritual Key to Psychic Ability, How to See Auras, Exercises “Aura scanning”. No prerequisite: this workshop can be taken independently of other classes. $40 for 2 hours. Taught by Rev. Jack Elinsky, CHt (for more info, call 610-235-7101).

Download a full description of the Psychic Development Workshop below at the Reiki Healing Center website Events page. 

See all the Events at the Summer Seminar - register for some or all 

See the Reiki Healing Center 5th Annual Dr. Usui Birthday Celebration Events page - Registration form a complete list of events.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Magnified Healing Phase 1 Class

Magnified Healing® Phase 1 will be offered on Saturdays August 13th and 27th  from 10am-6pm for those who wish to learn this standing, spoken, moving practice channeled to Kathryn  Anderson And Gisele King from Lady Master Kwan Yin.  Once you have taken this class you can do the daily practice for yourself during which you can do Remote Healings for others and for the earth, as well as participate in any Magnified Healing ® Celebration Ceremony.  After 11 days practice as a Master Teacher of Magnified Healing® you can teach others this modality, after 4 months practice of Phase 1 you can apply to take Magnified Healing® Phase 3 training. $265 for 2 days

Magnified Healing® Phase 3 will be offered on Saturday August 20 and Sunday August 21 from 10am-6pm for those who have completed their Phase 1 Magnified Healing® before April 20th 2011 and who have been practicing. Students must practice 11 continuous days before the class and must submit a color copy of their Phase 1 Certificate to be sent to the Magnified Healing® Office along with their name, address, phone, e-mail, date of Phase 1 initiation at least 1 week before class so that manuals and certificates can be ordered. $265 for the 2-day class.