Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Myra Reichel, Shinpiden Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki® Master, &
Master Teacher Magnified Healing®


Myra Reichel offers, sessions, classes including 26 hours of Ethics classes and leads Meetings to explore and apply the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff.

Myra 610-348-5698 myra@reikihealingcenter.org www.reikihealingcenter.org


Reiki Healing Center with Myra Reichel-

In person at Heartspace, 215 West Baker St, Media, PA 19063

In person Mask required.


Energy Work is for deeper clearing of Aura and Chakras and can include a Chi Gong energy boost and/or Reiki to hold and heal the energy,

Reiki is for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual healing. Aura and Chakra work can be included.

Karuna Reiki® is needed for any type of abuse, habit, addiction, karmic, test, psychic attack, grounding, etc., Aura and Chakra work can be included.

First Phase Magnified Healing ® is for healing the nervous system and at chakra level. In person. Karma and DNA are healed.

Third Phase Magnified Healing ® Heals all layers of aura and all systems of the body – you will pick 3 to concentrate on and 3 internal places if needed and 3 places for hands-on if needed.

Energy Work
In-person session $125,
In person Session $125,
Karuna Reiki ®
in-person session $150,
Magnified Healing ®
in person session $100.
By appointment Mondays and Wednesdays between 8am-11am, and 1st, 2nd, and 4th Friday 3 pm until 7:30pm. If no class scheduled also on Thursdays between 8am-2:30pm, or Tuesdays between 8am to 5:30pm, 3rd Fridays between 8am -5:30pm, Saturdays between 2-5:30pm or 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays between 8am -5:30pm. At Heartspace in Media, PA.

Zoom or Phone Energy Work or Reiki or Karuna Reiki ® Sessions: $50 per half hour session includes additional time to connect and let your intention for the healing be known.

Distance Energy Work or Reiki or Karuna Reiki ® Sessions and Absent First Phase Magnified Healing ® sessions $25 per 15 minutes or three sessions for $60 can be scheduled by appointment at set dates and times 7 days per week internationally by appointment. Please call/text/email Information/Intention before your session. List Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual issues to be addresses and if clearing healing is needed for any type of abuse, habit, addiction, karmic, test, psychic attack, grounding, etc.

Absent Third Phase Magnified Healing ® Sessions $50 per half hour session includes additional time to talk/text/email about your needs before scheduled session to identify 3 body systems (nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, physical, aura, cells, organs, skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, endocrine, etc.), 3 internal spots in need of healing, and 3 places if we were together I would place my hands. Absent Magnified Healing ® is just sent remotely never over Zoom or phone.


Myra Reichel 610-348-5698 myra@reikihealingcenter.org

We start with a few phone calls and discussion of G. I Gurdjieff’s All and Everything, last chapter ‘From the Author’ then first and second chapters. We proceed with some recordings and transcripts of Mr. Nyland’s 2,600 recordings of meetings from the 1950s-1970s. Then move into our group meetings where students discuss and report on actual application of Gurdjieff’s method.

Myra Reichel has been a member of the Institute for Religious Development established by Mr. G. I. Gurdjieff’s student Mr. W. A. Nyland since 1971.


Please check classes page on www.reikihealingcenter.org/myras_classes.htm for full descriptions & prices. Nurses, and Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers check our Continuing Education page. If you need additional information or the dates you need are not already scheduled or dates are listed but you need a time adjustment please call Myra Reichel 610-348-5698 or email myra@reikihealingcenter.org to schedule.

SCHEDULED CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS September 24th to December 16th

Classes that do not state whether Live in person or Distance Learning over the internet in real time are waiting for students to determine whether they will be LIVE or held as DISTANCE LEARNING.

Reiki II Okuden DISTANCE LEARNING/over the internet in real time on 3 Fridays September 24th 11am-2pm, and October 8th and 15th from 9:30am -2pm over Zoom.

Karuna Reiki ® 2 DISTANCE LEARNING/over the internet in real time Friday Sept. 24th and Sat. 25th 2:30-6:30pm over Zoom.

Reiki I Shoden LIVE/in-person for 4 Wednesdays, October 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th 2:30 to 5:30pm.

Reiki I Shoden DISTANCE LEARNING /over the internet in real time Sundays October 10th, 16th, 17th 2-6PM

Reiki II Okuden 2 Tuesdays October 19th and 26th 9:30am-1:30pm plus 2:30-4:30pm.

Karuna Reiki ® 1 DISTANCE LEARNING/over the internet in real time 2 Fridays October 8th and 15th 9:30 am-1:30 pm

Reiki Master Practitioner COMBO CLASS DISTANCE LEARNING/over the internet in real time 9:30-1:30 and LIVE/ in person 2-4pm Fridays October 15th and 22nd 9:30am-4pm.

Shinpiden Reiki Master COMBO CLASS DISTANCE LEARNING/over the internet in real time 9:30-1:30 and LIVE in person 2-4pm 4 Fridays October 15th and 22nd and November 12th and 19th.

Shinpiden Reiki Master LIVE/in person 6 Tuesdays October 26th and November Nov. 2nd, 16th and November 30th plus December 7th, and 14th Class from 9:30-1:30

Reiki Master Practitioner LIVE/ in person live 3 Tuesdays October 26th, November 2nd and 16th from 9:30am to 1:30pm.

Reiki I Shoden DISTANCE LEARNING over the internet in real time Sat. Oct. 9th and 16th and 30th 2-6pm.

Reiki master Shinpiden DISTANCE LEARNING over the internet in real time Fridays Nov 12 and 19

First Phase Magnified Healing® 4 days In person Fri. Nov. 5th 2pm-6:30pm and Sat. Nov. 6th 1pm-5:30 and Sunday Nov. 7th 8am-3pm and Nov. 8th 8-11am for those who need shorter length classes.

First Phase Magnified Healing® In person Sat. Nov. 6th and Sun. Nov. 7th 8am-5:30pm Both Days.

Reiki I Shoden LIVE/in person 2 Sundays November 14th and 21st 10am-5pm

Reiki II Okuden LIVE/in person 4 Wednesdays November 3rd, 10th, 17th and December 1st 2:30-5:30pm.

Reiki Master Practitioner 4 Wednesdays November 17th and December 1st, 8th, and 15th 2:30-4:30pm.

First or Third Phase Magnified Healing ® 2 days Sat. December 4th and Sun. Dec. 6th 8:30am-5:30pm.

Reiki Master Shinpiden LIVE/in-person 3 Tuesdays November 30th plus December 7th, and 14th.

Reiki I Shoden LIVE/in person 2 Fridays December 10th and 17th 10am to 5pm.

Reiki Healing Center Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/reikihealingcenter

Our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/21961169505

Our website https://reikihealingcenter.org

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Reiki Healing Center Newsletter for February 2021


The Reiki Healing Center Newsletter for February 2021 is available now on our website. 


Reiki Healing Center offers Reiki for pets. 

Call Myra for more info - 610-348-5698