Healing® Evening Celebration
Creating a Sacred Space of Oneness and Joy
for Our Earth & Humanity
for Our Earth & Humanity
When: Sunday, April
10, 2016 Arrive 6:45, Celebration begins @ 7:00 pm
Location: Heart Space at Seven
Stones (under store) Entrance 215 W. Baker St., Media, PA
Contact: Myra Reichel 610.348.5698 or Dawn
Mazzone 610.636.0279
Donation request: $20 or what is appropriate for you
Magnified Healing® Celebration incorporates Breathe, Sound, Color, and Motion.
Each person is an intricate part of the co-creating process. You, Yes You! are
the Love and the Answer for What the World needs Now.
will be gifted with an 11day daily meditation – please let us know if you’d
like to facilitate by March 21st)
Peace! Love! Wisdom!
Power! Oneness! Joy!
are the Celebration!