Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Myra’s Classes for July and CE units for nurses

NEW INFORMATION In addition to offering continuing education credits for massage therapists and bodyworkers though the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork   NCBTMB The Reiki Healing Center can now offer Registered Nurses  10 contact hours  for Reiki Level I Shoden classes in accordance with the following statements:  This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.  Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.

Reiki I will be on July 13th and 20th from 10:30am to 5pm. Two attunements are received per class. History and meaning of Reiki, hand positions for self and others, breathing exercises, and meditations.  Receive a workbook and a Certificate.  Group class fee is $333.

Reiki II will be on July 12th and 19th from 10:30am to 5pm. Class starts with meditation and attunement, then students learn three Reiki symbols, distance healing, and other techniques. Three attunements are given over the two classes. You will receive a Certificate and a Workbook. Group class fee is $444.

There will also be an experimental class – I am trying a new way of teaching the classes that will have both Reiki Level I and Level II students taking parts of the class together and other parts separately, as follows:

July 15, 22, 29, and August 5 – Reiki Level I students come 11:30am to 12:30pm and continue 1-3pm. One attunement is received per class. Hand positions for self and others, breathing exercises, and meditations. Receive workbook and Certificate. Review of Reiki I class if already Reiki I is $200. Group class for new Reiki I students is $333 for 12 hours.


Sharon Hicks is providing Zero Balancing® on Wednesdays at the Reiki Healing Center by appointment starting June 11. Zero Balancing® is a hands-on bodywork system that is designed to balance energy and structure within the bones and tissues of the body. Those who benefit from receiving Zero Balancing® include people with physical pain and stress-related symptoms as well as individuals who strive to maintain optimal health.  Call Sharon at 610-299-6210 to schedule your ZB appointment.

Guided Meditation for Abundance Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014
12 p.m - 1 p.m.  

Guided Meditation for Abundance
Let go and relax with this guided meditation with Kwan Yin and the Ascended Masters.  Each of us has an abundance need, whether it be health, wealth, or wisdom.
Learn new ways to approach abundance by raising our awareness in this special guided meditation geared to teach us how to focus on positive outcomes and raise our vibrational thinking.
Everything is vibration and when we raise our vibration we can create new opportunities in our lives.
Cost: $20 per person.

Please phone (718) 981-2259 to register. Private spiritual reading sessions with Louisa Mastromarino, certified medium, are available after the program.  Please register early.  Visit for more programs.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Joanne Takata

Please call Joanne Takata 215-924-1427 for Reiki sessions for people and/or pets. 

Tina DaFermo

Please call Tina DaFermo at 484-732-8457 for Reiki sessions or classes or for Acupressure sessions. 

Jeanne Badlato

Please call Jeanne Badlato, M.Ed., AOBTA at 410-375-5203 for Reiki sessions,  Acupressure sessions or classes.

Joan Nikelsky

Please call Joan Nikelsky for Reiki and/or Chakra Balancing sessions at 215-498-5346. Joan offers a sliding scale fee clinic on Thursdays by appointment – you can check her page on the RHC website  for additional info

Teresa Davidson

Please call Teresa Davidson 610-809-1478 or email for Reiki sessions and information about her Nature Meditation on a CD.

Khadijah Renee

Khadijah Renee, Reiki Master

 & Teacher, Magnified Healing Instructor is available for private instruction at the Reiki Healing Center or at her Philadelphia location. Discover your inner psychic power while integrated in the Reiki energy. Learning schedule tailored to fit your busy schedule. Contact her at: 215.910.8902.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Become a Reiki II Okuden Practitioner starting this Sunday! Or if you have taken Reiki II already come review!

Increase your knowledge and practice of Reiki! Become a Reiki II Okuden Practitioner! In this class in addition to learning the first 3 Reiki Symbols you will learn their accompanying mantras and jumon!
Master Practitioner Myra Reichel has taken Shinpiden Master Training with Frans Stiene of the International House of Reiki located in Australia and offers Shoden, Okuden, and Shinpiden (broken down into Advanced Practice with Master Symbol and Reiki Master with how to perform Reiju and Attunements). 
In addition to the Symbols, Mantras, and Jumon, you will learn/recall:
·         breathing exercises,
·         meditations on the Reiki Precepts,
·         Meditations,
·         Three Diamond exercise,
·         Distance Healing Procedures
and other techniques.

All participants receive three attunements and Reiju, a workbook, and Reiki II Okuden   Certificate. There will be time to practice hand-on/hand-off and distance Reiki.
 This is a group class with twelve hours of training.
First time students: $394
Reiki II Certified students from RHC $150 
Reiki II Certified students from any other Reiki class, teacher or school: $200
Call with questions: 610-348-5698
Email the Reiki Healing Center to register at
Class will be held this coming Sunday, May 17th and Sunday, May 24th from 10:30am to 5pm.

PS: Timing doesn’t work for second date or for both dates?  Contact us to discuss alternative scheduling starting in July for flexible dates/times