Saturday, March 29, 2014

PLease contact us with your email to begin having our Reiki Healing Center Newslettere emailed to you

once or twice per month we send out our newsletter if you have not received it but would like to then please give us your name and your email address. thank you

Magnified Healing (R) Celebration Ceremony

Creating a Sacred Space of Healing, Oneness and Joyous Celebration

When :   Sunday,  April 6, 2014    Arrive  1:30, Celebration begins @ 2:00 pm to  4:00 pm

Location :  Kun-Yang Lin Dance Studio  1316 S 9th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Contact: Myra Reichel 610.348.5698   or   Dawn Mazzone 610.636.027    Donation request:  $15

The Magnified Healing® Celebration incorporates Breath, Sound, Color, and Motion, and each person is an intricate part of the co-creating process. In Sacred Geometry with Light and Love we create together a unity of Oneness.

Magnified Healing(R) class this weekend March 29th and 30th

Come become a Master Teacher of Magnified Healing (R) of the God the Most High of the Universe
Workbook, CD of daily practice, Certificate, essence, and 2 days of classes

 10:30am -5pm. $265  (starting in April class will be $333) .

After taking this class you can teach others using the approved materials after 11 days of continuous practice and you could also participate in our Celebration Ceremony on Sunday, April 6th if you wish without taking the accompanying workshop or you can take that workshop too and receive an additional certificate that entitles you to run your own Celebration Ceremonies.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Reiki, Karuna Reiki(R) and MAgnified Healing(R) Classes at the Reiki Healing Center

Reiki I Shoden Tuesdays, April 8, 15, 22 from 1 to 5pm, or  Sundays, April 13 & 20, 10:30 to 5 pm, or  Saturdays, May 10 & 17, 9 to 3:30 pm, or by appointment  $333 group class, Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Reiki II Okuden Saturdays  April 12 & 19 from 9 to 3:30,  or Sundays, May 18 & 25, 10:30 to 5 pm, or by appointment  Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Shinpiden Reiki Master Saturday, April 5, or Saturday May 3 or by appointment,  24 hours Master class plus 24 hours student teaching. Reiki I and Reiki II Workbooks, CE credits, and Certificates.  610-348-5698

Karuna Reiki(R) 
Thursdays April 17 Level 1 $350, April 24th Level 2 $250 , May 1st Master  $300 

 Magnified Healing (R)
Master Teacher of Magnified Healing®  of the God Most High of the Universe Saturday March 29, & 30  or  Sunday April 26, & 27  or by appointment on other dates 10:30am  to 5pm. Essence, Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698
 Celebration Ceremony Workshop Magnified Healing(R) Sunday, April 6, 10:30 am to 6 pm.  Class starts in Media and finishes in Philadelphia. 
Phase 3 Light Worker(R) by appointment 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Intro Sound Healing using tuning forks with Susan Maule sunday march 9th 2-4pm $25

wonderful experience -  Susan will be offering a full 2 day workshop in March or April.

NEW Reiki II Okuden class starts this Sunday March 9th 10:30am-5pm

new Reiki II class starts this Saturday 10:30am -5pm and will continue another Saturday to meet our hectic schedules possibly the 16th or 30th   - this is a group class so $444 minus $50 plus any discounts you are eligible for. Learn 3 Reiki symbols and remote healing. Workbook and certificate.

Louise has family emergency so LInda Minton will lead 6-7pm meditation for 2nd saturday

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 2014 - Media 2nd Saturday schedule

Media 2nd Saturday March 8th 6-9pm throughout Media and at the RHC
Events throughout Media live music and Art exhibits.

Eloise Prescott  will be available 6-9pm to give free 15 minute talk followed by $25 mini-acupuncture sessions .

 Art Show of work of Practitioner and Counselor Educator, Louisa Mastromarino at RHC 6-9pm
Enjoy energy medicine artwork from intuitive channeller and artist Louisa Mastromarino.  Energy art will be displayed at the Reiki Healing Center ..  These works are one-of-a kind limited editions, matted, for purchase.  Due to family emergency Louise will not be at the RHC this weekend. 

LINDA will lead the Meditation Group  6-7:00 pm on March 8 -

7-7:30pm  FREE Intro to Reiki . 

6-9pm  FREE 10 minute Acupressure and/or Reiki mini-sessions with  Tina or others during 2nd Saturday event.  Also, Linda will be available for spiritual readings for  $1 per minute during Second Saturday 6-9pm and First Saturday 10am – noon events or by appointment over the phone other times. She can be contacted through email: or by phone: 610-237-0458 in advance to schedule readings!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reiki Healing Center Calendar - March & April

Please click on the link below for the Reiki Healing Center Calendar and Events Schedule for March and April.

Reiki Healing Center Calendar March & April