Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tina's Reiki I and Reiki II classes

Tina’s Reiki I Shoden and Reiki II Okuden classes for September and October

Tina DaFermo, Reiki Master Teacher, will offer a 2-day Reiki I class (Shoden) on Saturday and Sunday,  September 20 and 21.  The classes will meet from 10 am to 4:30 pm each day, with a break for lunch.  The class fee is $175 per student.  If you bring a friend who pays the full fee, you can get $25 off your fee.  Please pre-register for these classes by calling Tina at 302-357-8240 or Jeanne at 410-375-5203.

If you can’t attend the September class, mark your calendar for Saturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19, when Tina will teach another Reiki I class, same fee and times.

Tina will also teach a Reiki II class (Okuden) on Saturday and Sunday, September 6 and 7 from 9am to 4pm (with a break for lunch) for a fee of $225 per person.  You can get a $25.00 discount for bringing a full paying friend.  Prerequisite for this class is Reiki I.  The Shoden student will have achieved a new level of confidence and balance thorough self-practice.  Okuden introduces a new level of energy. Students at this level learn 3 mantras and 3 symbols as well as traditional techniques to further develop their connection to the Reiki energy. Please pre-register for these classes by calling Tina at 302-357-8240 or Jeanne at 410-375-5203.

Tina will again offer a Reiki II class on Saturday and Sunday, October 4 and 5, same fee and times.

Crystals and Reiki = NEW CLASS

NEW:  Crystals and Reiki Workshop
Sunday, September 7 and Sunday, September 21, 1-3pm
The Reiki Healing Center presents a new class taught by one of its graduates, Khadijah Renee, Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Magnified Healing Teacher, Social Worker and Certified Medium.
This two-part workshop is designed to refresh your Reiki vibrational level and attune you to the crystals powers to heal. You can begin to use crystals in your Reiki sessions, enhancing your sessions and increasing the healing energy.
Fee $125.00; credit cards only through Khadijah, or PayPal, cash, or checks accepted, written out to Reiki Healing Center.  Pre-registration required to hold your place in the class. Space limited.  Call: 215.910.8902 to register or email: ReneeQueenA@aol.com
Intuitive Reiki sessions with Khadijah Renee are available in September at the Center.  Receive messages from the other side during your Reiki session. $85.00 for an hour session.  Call for an appointment: 215.910.8902. 

Angel Card Readings also available with Khadijah Renee for $25.00.  Two Sundays only: September 24 and 28.  Call for an appointment: 215.910.8902.

Self-acupressure basic class and intermediate class

Self-Acupressure for Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Muscle Tension, and Well-Being

Two classes, Basic and Intermediate, taught by Jeanne Badlato, M.Ed., AOBTA

Basic class – Friday, Sept. 12, 6 - 8 pm, register by Sept. 9
Intermediate class – Saturday, Sept. 27, 1 - 3 pm, register by Sept. 24
$30 for each class (If you refer a new person to the class, you get a $5 discount.)
Please register and pre-pay through the Reiki Healing Center by check or PayPal (see RHC website).

Self-acupressure is a non-invasive way of doing your own pain management and health maintenance. In two hours of the Basic class you will gain a general understanding of what acupressure is and what it can do for you. Self-acupressure is very easy, even children can use it for simple ailments. It can be very useful for people experiencing chronic pain, for general well-being, muscle tension, and sleep problems. This is a very informative class with time to do hands-on practice. Included is a manual of points which we will review in class.

You can take one or both classes. The Intermediate level will include a review of the points learned in the Basic class as well as new, fun material.

For further information or questions, call Jeanne at 410-375-5203 or email at jbadlato@yahoo.com

Mediumship Certification Class

Saturday and Sunday, September 13th and 14th

12 noon-4 pm each day:  Mediumship Certification Class
Join us for a powerful mediumship program that will teach participants how to conduct professional readings.  Mediumship is the art of communicating with the spiritual realm.  This course covers topics such as the biology of mediumship, chakra energy balancing, auric field cleansing, communicating through the five clairs, practice activities, and ethics.  This course is great for those in all professions, including the legal profession, real estate, medicine, and more!  Phone Myra at 610-348-5698 or Louisa at 718- 981-2259 to register.  Cost: $300 includes certification and one free private development session (a $125 value).  Reviewer's fee: $100.

4-6 pm:  Louisa is also available after the program on Saturday for private sessions in energy medicine, psychic readings, spiritual development, pain management, and hypnotherapy. One-on-one private sessions are focused, provide positive feedback, and demonstrate training skills in natural medicine. Cost: $125 per hour or $60 per half hour.  Call Louisa at 718-981-2259 to schedule.

Reiki I Shoden with Myra Reichel several dates listed

REIKI I - total 12 hours with 12 CE credits for massage therapists and body workers or 10 units for nurses. Learn how to de Reiki for self and others. Hand positions, breathing exercises, meditations, 4 attunements, certificate. Review of Reiki I class if you already did Reiki I is $200.  Group class for new Reiki I  for 2 or more students is $333 and private class with one student is $400 for 12 hours. Call Myra Reichel 610-348-5698

Wednesdays, September 3 and 10 from 10:30 am to 5:30pm both days

Wednesday and Thursday September 10 and 11 10:30am to 5:30pm both days

Sundays September 14 , and 21 from 1 to 7,pm both days

Thursdays, September 25 and October 2 from 10:30am  to 5:30pm both days

Thursdays, October 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 11:30am to 12:30 plus 1 to 3pm all 4 days Reiki Level I students come 11:30am to 12:30pm and continue from 1 to 3pm. Four classes with one attunement  received per class. Reiki II students join in from 1-3pm for attunement meditation.

Reiki II Okuden classes - several dates listed with Myra Reichel

REIKI II -12 hours total with 12 CE credits for massage therapists and body workers. Prerequisite Reiki I in any linage. Review Reiki Level I, learn 3 Reiki symbols and their mantras, meditations, 3 attunements, certificate. Level 1 students who have not learned this lineage can take first a 3-hr Reiki I class on September 4th for an additional $50 and can take additional Reiki I morning classes for $30 per class along with their Reiki II class if they wish.  If you have Level II already, you can review Reiki II classes for $250.  Group class fee for a new Reiki II student is $444 for 12 hours. OR  schedule on dates and at times chosen by student.  Reiki II is $500 for a 12 hour private class – discount for groups scheduling together. Call Myra 610-34805698 or myra@reikihealingcenter.org

Sundays September 14th and 21st   1-7pm  both days.

Thursdays October 16, 23, and 30 from 1 to 5  Reiki Level II students come from 1 to 5pm. Class starts with meditation and attunement, then students learn one Reiki symbols per class, distance healing, and additional techniques. Reiki I students will share attunement and meditation time.

Wednesdays, November  5 and 12  from 10:30am to 5:30pm both days

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Myra’s Classes for July and CE units for nurses

NEW INFORMATION In addition to offering continuing education credits for massage therapists and bodyworkers though the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork   NCBTMB The Reiki Healing Center can now offer Registered Nurses  10 contact hours  for Reiki Level I Shoden classes in accordance with the following statements:  This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.  Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.

Reiki I will be on July 13th and 20th from 10:30am to 5pm. Two attunements are received per class. History and meaning of Reiki, hand positions for self and others, breathing exercises, and meditations.  Receive a workbook and a Certificate.  Group class fee is $333.

Reiki II will be on July 12th and 19th from 10:30am to 5pm. Class starts with meditation and attunement, then students learn three Reiki symbols, distance healing, and other techniques. Three attunements are given over the two classes. You will receive a Certificate and a Workbook. Group class fee is $444.

There will also be an experimental class – I am trying a new way of teaching the classes that will have both Reiki Level I and Level II students taking parts of the class together and other parts separately, as follows:

July 15, 22, 29, and August 5 – Reiki Level I students come 11:30am to 12:30pm and continue 1-3pm. One attunement is received per class. Hand positions for self and others, breathing exercises, and meditations. Receive workbook and Certificate. Review of Reiki I class if already Reiki I is $200. Group class for new Reiki I students is $333 for 12 hours.


Sharon Hicks is providing Zero Balancing® on Wednesdays at the Reiki Healing Center by appointment starting June 11. Zero Balancing® is a hands-on bodywork system that is designed to balance energy and structure within the bones and tissues of the body. Those who benefit from receiving Zero Balancing® include people with physical pain and stress-related symptoms as well as individuals who strive to maintain optimal health.  Call Sharon at 610-299-6210 to schedule your ZB appointment.

Guided Meditation for Abundance Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014
12 p.m - 1 p.m.  

Guided Meditation for Abundance
Let go and relax with this guided meditation with Kwan Yin and the Ascended Masters.  Each of us has an abundance need, whether it be health, wealth, or wisdom.
Learn new ways to approach abundance by raising our awareness in this special guided meditation geared to teach us how to focus on positive outcomes and raise our vibrational thinking.
Everything is vibration and when we raise our vibration we can create new opportunities in our lives.
Cost: $20 per person.

Please phone (718) 981-2259 to register. Private spiritual reading sessions with Louisa Mastromarino, certified medium, are available after the program.  Please register early.  Visit www.distantholistic.com for more programs.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Joanne Takata

Please call Joanne Takata 215-924-1427 for Reiki sessions for people and/or pets. 

Tina DaFermo

Please call Tina DaFermo at 484-732-8457 for Reiki sessions or classes or for Acupressure sessions. 

Jeanne Badlato

Please call Jeanne Badlato, M.Ed., AOBTA at 410-375-5203 for Reiki sessions,  Acupressure sessions or classes.

Joan Nikelsky

Please call Joan Nikelsky for Reiki and/or Chakra Balancing sessions at 215-498-5346. Joan offers a sliding scale fee clinic on Thursdays by appointment – you can check her page on the RHC website www.reikihealingcenter.org  for additional info

Teresa Davidson

Please call Teresa Davidson 610-809-1478 or email tcdavidson21@gmail.com for Reiki sessions and information about her Nature Meditation on a CD.

Khadijah Renee

Khadijah Renee, Reiki Master

 & Teacher, Magnified Healing Instructor is available for private instruction at the Reiki Healing Center or at her Philadelphia location. Discover your inner psychic power while integrated in the Reiki energy. Learning schedule tailored to fit your busy schedule. Contact her at: 215.910.8902.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Become a Reiki II Okuden Practitioner starting this Sunday! Or if you have taken Reiki II already come review!

Increase your knowledge and practice of Reiki! Become a Reiki II Okuden Practitioner! In this class in addition to learning the first 3 Reiki Symbols you will learn their accompanying mantras and jumon!
Master Practitioner Myra Reichel has taken Shinpiden Master Training with Frans Stiene of the International House of Reiki located in Australia and offers Shoden, Okuden, and Shinpiden (broken down into Advanced Practice with Master Symbol and Reiki Master with how to perform Reiju and Attunements). 
In addition to the Symbols, Mantras, and Jumon, you will learn/recall:
·         breathing exercises,
·         meditations on the Reiki Precepts,
·         Meditations,
·         Three Diamond exercise,
·         Distance Healing Procedures
and other techniques.

All participants receive three attunements and Reiju, a workbook, and Reiki II Okuden   Certificate. There will be time to practice hand-on/hand-off and distance Reiki.
 This is a group class with twelve hours of training.
First time students: $394
Reiki II Certified students from RHC $150 
Reiki II Certified students from any other Reiki class, teacher or school: $200
Call with questions: 610-348-5698
Email the Reiki Healing Center to register at myra@reikihealingcenter.org
Class will be held this coming Sunday, May 17th and Sunday, May 24th from 10:30am to 5pm.

PS: Timing doesn’t work for second date or for both dates?  Contact us to discuss alternative scheduling starting in July for flexible dates/times

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hello everybody Reiki Share Saturday

Reiki Share this Saturday from 10am to noon.

Reiki II Okuden

Reiki II Okuden , Sundays, May 18 & 25, 10:30 to 5 pm,or or by
appointment Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-
5698 myra@reikihealingcenter.org

Saturday, March 29, 2014

PLease contact us with your email to begin having our Reiki Healing Center Newslettere emailed to you

once or twice per month we send out our newsletter if you have not received it but would like to then please give us your name and your email address. thank you

Magnified Healing (R) Celebration Ceremony

Creating a Sacred Space of Healing, Oneness and Joyous Celebration

When :   Sunday,  April 6, 2014    Arrive  1:30, Celebration begins @ 2:00 pm to  4:00 pm

Location :  Kun-Yang Lin Dance Studio  1316 S 9th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Contact: Myra Reichel 610.348.5698   or   Dawn Mazzone 610.636.027    Donation request:  $15

The Magnified Healing® Celebration incorporates Breath, Sound, Color, and Motion, and each person is an intricate part of the co-creating process. In Sacred Geometry with Light and Love we create together a unity of Oneness.

Magnified Healing(R) class this weekend March 29th and 30th

Come become a Master Teacher of Magnified Healing (R) of the God the Most High of the Universe
Workbook, CD of daily practice, Certificate, essence, and 2 days of classes

 10:30am -5pm. $265  (starting in April class will be $333) .

After taking this class you can teach others using the approved materials after 11 days of continuous practice and you could also participate in our Celebration Ceremony on Sunday, April 6th if you wish without taking the accompanying workshop or you can take that workshop too and receive an additional certificate that entitles you to run your own Celebration Ceremonies.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Reiki, Karuna Reiki(R) and MAgnified Healing(R) Classes at the Reiki Healing Center

Reiki I Shoden Tuesdays, April 8, 15, 22 from 1 to 5pm, or  Sundays, April 13 & 20, 10:30 to 5 pm, or  Saturdays, May 10 & 17, 9 to 3:30 pm, or by appointment  $333 group class, Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698  myra@reikihealingcenter.org

Reiki II Okuden Saturdays  April 12 & 19 from 9 to 3:30,  or Sundays, May 18 & 25, 10:30 to 5 pm, or by appointment  Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698  myra@reikihealingcenter.org

Shinpiden Reiki Master Saturday, April 5, or Saturday May 3 or by appointment,  24 hours Master class plus 24 hours student teaching. Reiki I and Reiki II Workbooks, CE credits, and Certificates.  610-348-5698  myra@reikihealingcenter.org

Karuna Reiki(R) 
Thursdays April 17 Level 1 $350, April 24th Level 2 $250 , May 1st Master  $300 

 Magnified Healing (R)
Master Teacher of Magnified Healing®  of the God Most High of the Universe Saturday March 29, & 30  or  Sunday April 26, & 27  or by appointment on other dates 10:30am  to 5pm. Essence, Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698  myra@reikihealingcenter.org
 Celebration Ceremony Workshop Magnified Healing(R) Sunday, April 6, 10:30 am to 6 pm.  Class starts in Media and finishes in Philadelphia. 
Phase 3 Light Worker(R) by appointment 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Intro Sound Healing using tuning forks with Susan Maule sunday march 9th 2-4pm $25

wonderful experience -  Susan will be offering a full 2 day workshop in March or April.

NEW Reiki II Okuden class starts this Sunday March 9th 10:30am-5pm

new Reiki II class starts this Saturday 10:30am -5pm and will continue another Saturday to meet our hectic schedules possibly the 16th or 30th   - this is a group class so $444 minus $50 plus any discounts you are eligible for. Learn 3 Reiki symbols and remote healing. Workbook and certificate.

Louise has family emergency so LInda Minton will lead 6-7pm meditation for 2nd saturday

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 2014 - Media 2nd Saturday schedule

Media 2nd Saturday March 8th 6-9pm throughout Media and at the RHC
Events throughout Media live music and Art exhibits.

Eloise Prescott  will be available 6-9pm to give free 15 minute talk followed by $25 mini-acupuncture sessions .

 Art Show of work of Practitioner and Counselor Educator, Louisa Mastromarino at RHC 6-9pm
Enjoy energy medicine artwork from intuitive channeller and artist Louisa Mastromarino.  Energy art will be displayed at the Reiki Healing Center ..  These works are one-of-a kind limited editions, matted, for purchase.  Due to family emergency Louise will not be at the RHC this weekend. 

LINDA will lead the Meditation Group  6-7:00 pm on March 8 -

7-7:30pm  FREE Intro to Reiki . 

6-9pm  FREE 10 minute Acupressure and/or Reiki mini-sessions with  Tina or others during 2nd Saturday event.  Also, Linda will be available for spiritual readings for  $1 per minute during Second Saturday 6-9pm and First Saturday 10am – noon events or by appointment over the phone other times. She can be contacted through email: woofsing@yahoo.com or by phone: 610-237-0458 in advance to schedule readings!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reiki Healing Center Calendar - March & April

Please click on the link below for the Reiki Healing Center Calendar and Events Schedule for March and April.

Reiki Healing Center Calendar March & April

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Reminder if the weather has canceled your visit to our office

our next scheduled share for Reiki Practitioners and healing circle for the public is Saturday MARCH 1 from 10am to noon . 
here in Media The morning of Wednesday, February 26th  I have my Reiki Clinic where I do short mini-sessions for free or I give a third off of hour sessions by appointment 610-348-5698   and on Tuesday Thusdays Joan offers a sliding scale clinic,

Thursday, February 13, 2014

NO REIKI SHARE TODAY FEBRUARY 13, 2014 due to deep snow

sorry but the weather is just too snowy to open up the office today.  contact us to get some alternative dates/times for after February 26th  610-348-5698

Friday, February 7, 2014

some of our newsletter

February March 2014 NEWSLETTER 
 www.reikihealingcenter.org, 6 West Front Street, First Floor Media PA 19063
Call the RHC for information and to schedule classes: 610-348-5698.  Please go to our website for additional information and personal phone numbers and email addresses for practitioners.


Feb 2

Feb 5 1st  of 4 Reiki I class

Feb 8th Reiki I Shoden 8:30am to 3pm 1st of 2 classes
Media 2nd Saturday 6-9pm
Louise’s Angel Meditation 6-7pm
Intro to Reiki 7pm
Feb 9
Karuna Reiki 1®
6 hour class
Feb 11 1st of 3  Reiki I class 1-5pm
Feb 12 2nd  of 4Reiki I class 1-4pm
Reiki I Shoden 2nd of 3 classes 1-5pm
Feb 13th 3rd of 3 Reiki I classes 1-5pm

Reiki Share noon to 2pm
Valentine Day
Couples Reiki by appointment today or other days by appointment
Feb 15th
Reiki Share  practitioners only 10am to noon
Reiki I Shoden 2nd of 2 classes 8:30am to 3pm
Feb 16 2nd of 2 Reiki II class 10:30am to 5pm

Fibromyalgia Support group  will be MArch 19th at 11am

Magnified Healing ®
Noon to 5pm with Khadijah Renee

Magnified Healing ® 2nd of 2 classes
taught by Khadijah Renee 1-5pm
Feb 24
Hometown senior Center Healing Circle
Feb 25th
Reiki Share 5-7pm
Susan’s Intro to sound balancing with tuning forks 7-9pm
Feb 26 3rd of 4 Reiki I class
Reiki, Ethics, or Energy Healing classes by appointment
Reiki, Ethics, or Energy Healing classes by appointment
March 1st
Reiki share 10am to noon
Shinpiden Reiki Master 1st class 9am to 5pm
March 2
Attunement Practice Class for Reiki Masters 1-5pm
Magnified Healing® or Karuna Reiki 1® 6 hour class
Magnified Healing® or Karuna Reiki 2®
6 hr class
March 5 Reiki I Shoden 4th of 4 classes
Reiki, Ethics, or Energy Healing classes by appointment
Reiki, Ethics, or Energy Healing classes by appointment
March 8
Lousia’s Angel Communication noon to 4pm
Media 2nd sat
Intro to Reiki 7pm

March 9
March 10
March 11
March 12
March 13
March 14
March 15
March 16
March 17
March 18
March 19
Fibromyalgia Support group 11am 
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
March 29
March 30
March 31
April 1
April 2
April 3
April 4
April 5

April 6 Magnified Healing® Celebration Ceremony 2-4pm
Philadelphia, PA

Reiki I Shoden: Shoden means “First Teachings”. Beginners Class Including: Shoden Reiki Level I Attunement, Hand Positions, Usui Teachings, Reiki Self-healing Instruction and 2 Reiki Sessions during class. Certificate. Continuing Education Credits Available.  Start any 1st 6-hour class; take any 2nd 6-hour class offered. $400.  Group classes of 2 or more students $333 per student. By appointment or schedule below.

Saturdays February 8th and 15th  2 6hr classes 8:30am to 3pm. Reiki I Shoden: Shoden means “First Teachings”. Beginners Class Including: Shoden Reiki Level I Attunement, Hand Positions, Usui Teachings, Reiki Self-healing Instruction and 2 Reiki Sessions during class. Certificate. Continuing Education Credits Available.  Start any 1st 6-hour class; take any 2nd 6-hour class offered. $400.
Group classes of 2 or more students $333 per student. By appointment or schedule below.

Media 2nd Saturday February 8th 6-9pm throughout Media and at the RHC
Events throughout Media live music and Art exhibits.
Saturday February 8th 6-9pm  Art Show of work of Practitioner and Counselor Educator, Louisa Mastromarino at RHC
Enjoy energy medicine artwork from intuitive channeller and artist Louisa Mastromarino.  Energy art will be displayed at the Reiki Healing Center throughout the day on February 8.  These works are one-of-a kind limited editions, matted, for purchase.  For additional information, please phone (718) 981-2259.

Angel Meditation Group  6:00 to 7:00 pm on February 8 -
Relax and meet your angel groups in this informative guided meditation with the angels.  Angels love us immeasurably and want to share their guidance with you.  Louisa is an ANGEL THERAPIST® and uses angel communication techniques to help us ground ourselves, visualize positive outcomes, and manifest our visions more easily.  Enjoy communicating with your angel group and hearing profound wisdom from the source.  Please phone (718) 981-2259. $20­-­

7-7:30pm  FREE Intro to Reiki . 

6-9pm  FREE 10 minute Acupressure and/or Reiki mini-sessions with Jeanne or Tina or others during 2nd Saturday event.  Also, Linda will be available for spiritual readings for  $1 per minute during Second Saturday 6-9pm and First Saturday 10am – noon events or by appointment ovwer the phone other times. She can be contacted through email: woofsing@yahoo.com or by phone: 610-237-0458 in advance to schedule readings!

Sunday February 9 by appointment: Private Intuitive Consulting/Akashic Records/Spiritual Development Sessions
Louisa Mastromarino will be offering private angel readings, intuitive consulting, and mediumship training.   Enjoy a private reading that will help you expand your horizons, build a better business plan, and create stronger relationships.  Learn about your life purpose, new career opportunities, and quantum healing applications for stress management.
Cost: $125 per session. Please schedule early by phoning (718) 981-2259. 

Sundays February 9th and 16th  10:30am to 5pm.  

REIKI II Okuden Prerequisite Reiki I. Okuden means “Inner Teachings.” Find universal oneness, Okuden attunement, give sessions to other people, and learn Distance Reiki. Certificate. Continuing Education Credits available.  $444  private class or $394 for a group class.