Saturday, December 14, 2013

Classes for January 2014

Reiki I Shoden Saturday and Sunday January 11 and 12  10:30am to 5pm Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Reiki II Shoden Saturday January 25 and Sunday January 26 10:30am to 5pm Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Reiki II Okuden Sundays  January 19 and 26 10:30am to 5pm Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Shinpiden Reiki Master Mondays, or Wednesdays or 1st Saturdays,  24 hours by appointment plus 24 hours student teaching Reiki I and Reiki II Workbooks, CE credits, and Certificates.  610-348-5698

Reiki I Shoden Saturdays February 8 and 15 8:30am to 3pm Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Master Teacher of Magnified Healing®  of the God Most High of the Universe Saturday February 22 and Sunday February  23 10:30am  to 5pm. Essence, Workbook, CE credits, and Certificate. Reiki Healing Center 610-348-5698

Special events for December 15th - Self-Acupressure, Holistic Approach for Dogs, and appointments by phone or in person for Spiritual Readings

Jeanne Badlato is offering the following:
December 15 ‐ Acupressure Class in Self‐Help for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain
How acupressure helps and points you can hold to relax and calm your body and mind. When your body is relaxed,
it can better heal itself. Jeanne Badlato 610‐348‐5698 4‐6pm $25.

Linda will be available for Spiritual Readings – by appointment. For appointments or phone session call
Linda at 610‐237‐0458.

Joanne Takata will be offering Holistic Approach to Dog Basics and Introducing Reiki for Your Pet on Sunday,
December 15th:

“Holistic Approach to Dog Basics and Introducing Reiki  for Your Pet" led by Joanne Takata.

Description ‐ I believe it is important to build a relationship with your dog.  My goal is to give you information that
will help you with your decisions to build this relationship. I will touch on topics such as collars, harnesses, crates,
nutrition, massage, exercise, vaccines, and alternative health options.  I hope to show how all of these things
interplay with a dog’s behavior and health.  I will then introduce you to Reiki for animals and how it can be
integrated into your routine.  The class will be held in the afternoon 12:30‐4:00 for $50.  There will be follow up classes to go into depth on many of these topics.  To register, call 610‐348‐5698 or 215‐262‐2562.

Reiki Healing Center CLOSED for Media 2nd Saturday Saturday December 14, 2013