– Let us know how you like this new format!
For more information please visit our website or call RHC or individual practitioners.
Sundays, Jan 29th, Feb 19th , Mar 18th & May 20th noon-6pm (some months 1-7pm) Shinpiden Reiki Master: these times or other dates/times by appointment, weekdays or weekends plus additional requirements, including student teaching levels 1 and 2, notes from 10 clients, 2 public events, lead a Reiki Share, and present Intro to Reiki. E-mail myra@reikihealingcenter.org or call Myra 610-348-5698 with dates you would like to start and choose number of classes and suggest additional dates (subject to availability). Send $200 deposit $1400 for Reiki II or Okuden level students or $1200 for Advanced Practice or Reiki III or $1000 Reiki Master Practitioner or $800 Reiki Masters taking this course .
Wednesdays February 22nd, & 29th 5:30-7:00 pm Reiki Clinic Jo-Ann Scocca, Advanced Practice Reiki Practitioner: $20 off the usual $75 fee, by appointment – 610-513-7151.
Thursdays February 23rd 2-7pm by appointment Reiki Sliding Scale Clinic
Reiki Master Practitioner Joan Nikelsky offers full one-hour Usui Reiki sessions weekly by appointment for a sliding scale fee of $45-75 (based on personal income). Call Joan at 215-498-5346 or e-mail ReikiJoan@live.com.
Saturdays February 18th, & 25th – 2 pm - 6 pm by appt Acupuncture Clinic &/or Reiki Sessions - Eloise Prescott – Licensed Acupuncturist and Reiki Master Practitioner. Sliding scale fee of $30-45 for acupuncture mini-session by appointment during clinic hours. (Full initial private session is $100 for 2 hours and $75 for subsequent 1 hour sessions.) 267-240-5109 or elprescott1@yahoo.com for an appt.
Sundays Febraury 19th, & 26th by appointment Special Sunday Clinic!! Bring a friend; each receives a 20 minute Reiki mini-session for $20 each – just $1 per minute. Regular Sunday appointments are $75.00 for a full hr. or $40.00 for ½ hr. Khadijah is only available for sessions on Sundays. Call 215-910-8902.
Mondays February 20th, & 27th 6:30-7pm prompt. Monday Silent Meditation: donation.
Mondays February 20th, & 27th7-8:30pm KRIYA HATHA YOGA Class with Frank Lock. Reduced fee for series of 8 classes. $15 per single class. (scholarships available). Space limited to 7 students. Go to http://rhcnewsletter.blogspot.com for more information. Call 610-348-5698 to RSVP
Tuesdays February 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th 2-5pm Reiki I Shoden Myra 610-348-5698 $400
Tuesday February 21st 5:30-8pm Reiki Share for Reiki practitioners for $5-20 fee, with Beth Holcombe,Karuna Reiki® Practitioner and Advanced Practice Reiki Practitioner. Call Beth at 610-459-9098 or e-mail nimbus1025@aol.com
Saturday February 11th, 25th , and March 10th 10am-2:30pm Reiki II Okuden $500. Learn your Reiki symbols and Mantras. Certificate. Myra 610-348-5698
Monday February 27th 1-3pm Reiki Clinic at Senior Center . Reiki mini-sessions on 4th Mondays monthly at Surrey SERVICES FOR SENIORS for people 55 and older and those who bring them – at the Hometown Senior Center at the Media Fellowship House, 305 S. Jackson St., Media, PA 19063. Call for appt. 610-348-5698.
Tuesday February 28th 1st Tuesdays 6:30-8pm NEW Karuna Reiki ® Trade. For all attuned to Karuna Reiki®, please RSVP Myra 610-348-5698 and bring a copy of your Karuna Certificate. $10 fee.
Sunday February 19 and February 26 10:30am-5pm Reiki I Shoden Certificate, 4 Attunements, learn to do self-Reiki and hand positions for doing Reiki for others. $400 per student or $1200 for group of 6 signing up as group.
Classes starting weekdays or weekends in March or May Dates by appt. Shinpiden Reiki Master 24 hours classroom reviewing Shoden and Okuden, Attunemtent to Reiki Master Symbol, learning Reiju and Reiki Attunement ritual, 24 hours student teaching , plus additional requirements: notes from 10 clients, participation in 2 public events, lead a Reiki Share, and present Intro to Reiki. $1400 for Okuden or Reiki II practitioners OR $1200 for Advanced Practitioner or $1000 Reiki Master Practitioner or $800 already Reiki Master taking this class. Time payment plans available. RSVP and $200 deposit 610-348-5698 myra@reikihealingcenter.org