Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learn to be a Healer! May & June Classes at RHC taught by Mya Reichel

Yogin with seven chakras. Painting. Kangra sch...Image via Wikipedia

$50 deposit or pay by Paypal using No credit cards taken at office. Check online for discounts.

USUI REIKI I – Monday May 31 (Memorial Day) 9 am-1pm, plus Saturday, June 5, 1-3 pm, plus Saturday, June 12, 9-3 pm.
OR Saturday, June 5, 9-3 pm, plus Saturday June 12, 9-3 pm
OR Sunday July 18, 10 am-5 pm, plus another date to be determined

In Reiki I classes you learn the history and meaning of Reiki, aura layers and chakra locations, have an attunement that makes it possible for you to channel the Reiki Healing Energy for yourself and for others. You receive a Reiki I Certificate upon completion of the 12 hours. $300.

USUI REIKI II – Sunday, June 6, 11 am-6 pm, plus Sunday, June 13, 11 am- 6 pm.
OR Saturday July 17, 10 am-5 pm, plus another date to be determined.
In Reiki II you will learn and be attuned to 3 Reiki Symbols/Tibetan/Japanese words to meditate upon during your Reiki practice, learn more about the different aura layers, and chakras, send distance Reiki, learn house blessing/clearing techniques, hands-on practice giving Reiki to self and others, and receive a Reiki II certificate upon completion of the 12 hours. $300.

First class Saturday, June 26, 9 am-1 pm, second class Saturday, June 26, 2-6 pm, third class Sunday, June 27, 3-7 pm, or another date to be determined.
OR First class Sunday, June 27, 10:30 am-2:30 pm, second class Sunday, June 27, 3-7 pm or another date, third class Sunday, July 11, 3-7 pm or another date.
In AP you will learn and be attuned to the Reiki Master Symbol, give and receive full Reiki sessions, learn what glands, organs, and systems are associated with each chakra. After the 12 hours of training, you will receive your AP certificate and you can start charging money for doing Reiki sessions. $300.

First class Saturday, July 31, times and other dates to be determined.
In Holistic Practitioner open to anyone interested in starting a holistic practice. Learn about advertising and marketing yourself, networking, paperwork, taxes and deductions, working with clients undergoing severe physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual difficulties, and get full session practice. Certificate after 12 classroom hours and additional practice; classes can be taken independently in any order. HP/RMP $400; RMP for those with Reiki Master Symbols includes Reiki Master Practitioner Certificate- no discounts.

REIKI MASTER TEACHER (RMT): Reiki IIIB, Ongoing registration – initial class scheduled after receipt of letter of intent to participate. 24 classroom hours, 50 hours auditing classes, 50 hours student teaching, plus 31 or more additional hours of outside requirements. Ongoing – students can start at any time. Course is self-paced – takes approximately a year, depending on your availability and students signing up for classes. $1400. No discounts.

Karuna Reiki® I – (Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Master Symbol Attunement 6 months if working as practitioner-12 months if not seeing clients prior to class.) 8 hours by appointment.or May 25 and 26 Cost $350
Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Thursday May 27 and June 10 1-5pm or by appointment Cost $250.

Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki you can learn how to do Karuna Reiki ® attunements $300). If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I & II, then you need to take all 3 levels by appointment. Cost: $750 Students are welcome to review existing classes.

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