Monday, April 20, 2009


August 14th & 15th & 16th

3rd Annual Usui (founder of Reiki) Birthday Celebration

Choose your activities: Classes or sessions of Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Magnified Healing®, Bio-Touch, and Holistic Business Development. Open House with Birthday Cake! Reiki Healing Center in Media, Pa. (610)348-5698.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Bio- Touch 1 day class on Sunday May 10th with Barbara Viola
Take thus introductory 1 day class before starting classes for certification
Give yourself a wonderful experience of this healing technique

Wear comfortable clothes - you will need to take your top off for this = women can wear a 2 piece swimsuit if uncomfortable just wearing their bra on top.
E-mail or Call for price and other info Myra 610-348-5698

Friday, April 10, 2009


April– May 2009 NEWSLETTER
20 South Olive St., Suite 305, Media PA 19063, 610-348-5698

NEW for Massage Therapist and Bodyworkers CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS NOW AVAILABLE through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers NCBTMB for all classes taught at the RHC or by its teachers.

Private weekday and weekend Reiki classes at additional dates/times may be scheduled for an additional $25 per time class meets. If others join in your class or if you take any of your classes with an established class you will not have to pay the additional fee for those classes. You receive a $50 referral credit if you get someone else to sign up for your class.

If you‘ve taken a Reiki class already with a RHC instructor or with a teacher from another center but you feel you would like a review; you can audit any level that you have already for $50 per day in a class that is being taught – if you attend the 12 hours of the entire class you will receive a certificate from the RHC.

You can get liability insurance for $65 per year through RHC if you are a student. Practitioner Insurance can be obtained through the ABMP and Professional Insurance can be obtained through the IARP.

INTRO TO REIKI for People, Plants, Animals, and the Planet – at the RHC FREE on 2nd Saturdays:
By appointment $25 ½ hour: or at your location 2-hours by appointment: $120 for up to 6 people includes mini-Reiki sessions.

REIKI I - 12 hours. Adults $300, Senior or under 18 $275, Disabled $210. Children under 12: $200 8 hr class; You will be able to do Reiki for yourself after 4 hours and others after 12 hours of classes.
Wednesday April 15th and Tuesdays 21st & May 5th 1-5 pm (Students can start in between weeks and catch up with class)
OR Other dates/times call 610-348-5698 or e-mail to schedule.
OR Wednesday or Thursday in Warwick, NY 10990. Dates/times will be determined.

REIKI I for ANIMALS – Once you have your basic Reiki I training; you can take a 1 hour or longer class to go over tips for doing Reiki for animals. Cost: $50 per hour at the RHC or $75 per hour if you bring your pet. COST: $102 per hour includes tips plus doing Reiki for animals at your location within 20 miles.

REIKI II - 12 hours. Scheduled Class: Adults $300, Senior or under 18 $275, Disabled $210.
OR Sat Apr 11th & Sun Apr 12th 10:30-5:30 or Sat. April 11th and another date to be scheduled.
There is a student wanting to take Reiki II on Tuesdays please call.
OR other dates/times call 610-348-5698 or e-mail to schedule.
OR Wed or Thurs in Warwick, NY dates/times to be determined.

ADVANCED PRACTICE REIKI PRACTITIONER - 12 hours. $300 - $365 includes student insurance. Receive you Master Symbol, learn Chakra Meditation, and work with pendulum. Thursday April 16th for 1str class and 2nd class April 28th 11:30am-6pm
OR other dates/times call 610-348-5698 or e-mail to schedule.
OR Wednesdays or Thursdays in Warwick, NY times will be determined.

HOLISTIC PRACTITIONER/REIKI MASTER PRACTITIONER (RMP) 12 hours $300 - $365 if you need student liability insurance if you have Reiki Master Symbol Reiki Master Practitioner Certificate given with additional work otherwise, Holistic Practitioner Certificate given: business course – taxes, client paperwork, advertising, & professional development.
April 26th plus 2 other dates to be scheduled 10:30am-3:30pm
OR Other dates/times call 610-348-5698 or e-mail to schedule.

REIKI MASTER TEACHER RMT takes over a year to complete. $1500 Includes 6 2-hour Meetings (or additional 12 hour classes) , Reiki Master Teacher 12 hour Workshop learning attunement process, 100 hours, Audit and student teach Intro through RMP. Paperwork from 10 clients and 2 paid clients. Practice at 2 Shares, 2 Events, 2 Clinic, etc. This is a wonderful learning experience that leaves you ready to teach Reiki classes. April 18 Class open only to those who have completed the majority of their requirements - a 2nd class will be scheduled upon completion of requirements.

KARUNA REIKI® developed by a group of Reiki Masters. You receive an Institute for Reiki Training Certificate signed by William Lee Rand. New requirements You can take it 6 months after Reiki Master Symbol attunement.
Karuna Reiki® I - 8 hours by appointment. Cost $350.
Karuna Reiki® II - 6 hours by appointment (must have Karuna Reiki® I already) Cost: $250.
Audit the same level as a class you have your certificate: Cost $50 per level being taught)
Karuna Reiki ® Master (If you already have Karuna I & II and you already teach Reiki – you can review and learn how to do attunements) $300. If you have not taken Karuna Reiki® I, II then you need to take all 3 levels and review classes by appointment. Cost: $750

MAGNIFIED HEALING ® CLASSES - Send $50 deposit to RHC 20 S. Olive St Media, PA 19063.

Magnified Healing® Phase I: 2 days, 8-10 hrs total. You can teach this class 11 days after completion. By appt. at Sarah Hohenberger’s off City Line and Montgomery Aves, at the Reiki Healing Center or at your location for 3 or more students Cost: $188. If you already have your certificate and want a review $50.

Magnified Healing Celebration® Phase II: total 7-8 hrs 4 hours class plus Celebration Sun March 22nd, 2009. Pre-requisite Magnified Healing® Phase I. You can teach this class after 4 hours of class and participating in Celebration. Cost: $111. If you do not want to teach this level but wish to take a class $75. Participation in Celebration plus additional $50 will give you certificate to teach this level and run celebrations.

Magnified Healing® Phase III: 2 days, 8-10 hrs. Light Worker. Pre-requisite 4 months plus 11 days daily practice of Phase I prior to workshop. Taught by: Sarah Hohenberger 215-877-0430.
(In order to teach this Third Phase of Magnified Healing ® additional classes necessary) Cost: $245.

Intro to Gurdjieff Meeting – Free Call 610-348-7998 to schedule Alternate Tuesday or Mondays
– call for date.

Media Second Saturday April 11th 6-9pm at the Reiki Healing Center
FREE – Intro to Reiki 6:30pm FREE mini-Reiki sessions 7-8pm

FREE – Learn about Acupuncture 8pm
Second Saturday, April 11
8 -9PM
Find out about this ancient medical art that has been practiced for over 3000 years. Studies show acupuncture helps to relieve stress, addictions, headaches, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, pain, menstrual problems, menopausal difficulties, myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma and more. Eloise Prescott is a Reiki Master Practitioner and will be graduating in August with a Masters in Acupuncture from the Won Institute

Chakra Stones Class
for Reiki Practitioners Saturday, May 9th 2009: 2-5pm $55.
Please pre-register by the beginning of March so that we can be sure to have your set of Chakra Stones included with class available. Drew Schmith: Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki, Amaterasu Reiki Master, Lemurian Facilitator, Animal Healing Reiki, YanXin Qigong 9-Step Child Longevity Practitioner, Martial Arts,holding rank in Sil Lum tiger-Crane KungFu, Korean Tae Gyun, Okinawan Sai, Yan Xin Tai Chi. Member & Journeyman Tuscarora Lapidary Society, Delaware Minerological Society, Philadelphia Mineralogical Society, American Opal Society. Graduate BA Penn State, former Phila.Community College Photography Instructor, Retired US NAVY aerospace Photographer/Imager

Media Second Saturdays May 9th from 6-9PM
During Media’s 2nd Saturday, free art shows and music performances throughout the town, business, restaurants, etc are open including the Lapidary Society 105 Jasper Street around the corner from the Reiki Healing Center so you can see their work and learn about their classes.
Free Intro to Reiki for People, Pets, and Places talk with Q & A 6:30-7pm at RHC.
Followed by Free Reiki or Magnified Healing® mini-sessions 7-9pm

Dr. Usui Reiki’s Founder’s Birthday SUMMER SEMINAR – August 14th, 15th, 16th - Save dates!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

REIKI at 10000 Villages in Media

Wednesday April 15th 6:30-7:30 PM FREE Intro and mini-sessions

Media 2nd Saturday April and May 2009

Media Second Saturday April 11th 6-9pm at the Reiki Healing Center
FREE – Intro to Reiki 6:30pm FREE mini-Reiki sessions 7-8pm

FREE – Learn about Acupuncture 8pm
Second Saturday, April 11
8 -9PM
Find out about this ancient medical art that has been practiced for over 3000 years.
Studies show acupuncture helps to relieve stress, addictions, headaches, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, pain, menstrual problems, menopausal difficulties, myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma and more.
Eloise Prescott is a Reiki Master Practitioner and will be graduating in August with a Masters in Acupuncture from the Won Institute

Chakra Stones Class for Reiki Practitioners Saturday, May 9th 2009: 2-5pm $55.
Please pre-register by the beginning of March so that we can be sure to have your set of Chakra Stones included with class available. Drew Schmith: Usui Reiki Master,Karuna Reiki, Amaterasu Reiki Master, Lemurian Facilitator, Animal Healing Reiki, YanXin Qigong 9-Step Child Longevity Practitioner, Martial Arts,holding rank in Sil Lum tiger-Crane KungFu, Korean Tae Gyun, Okinawan Sai, Yan Xin Tai Chi. Member & Journeyman Tuscarora Lapidary Society, Delaware Minerological Society, Philadelphia Mineralogical Society, American Opal Society. Graduate BA Penn State, former Phila.Community College Photography Instructor, Retired US NAVY aerospace Photographer/Imager

Media Second Saturdays May 9th from 6-9PM
During Media’s 2nd Saturday, free art shows and music performances throughout the town, business, restaurants, etc are open including the Lapidary Society 105 Jasper Street around the corner from the Reiki Healing Center so you can see their work and learn about their classes.
Free Intro to Reiki for People, Pets, and Places talk with Q & A 6:30-7pm at RHC.
Followed by Free Reiki or Magnified Healing® mini-sessions 7-9pm